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Sacred Journeys


The Gift of Fire, Ceremony, part II

Well, now the whole time I had been there in Ceremony Tonya had asked me to take a piece of her with me, as she could not come to the Ceremony, and asked that I bring the flowers that we took to Gorge to go find Kaylane.

I knew how bad she had wanted to be at the Ceremony with me... and just before it was time for me to drop my tent, she had said that the energies in the place where we were living were still very bad.  So I decided I would take the Ceremony home with me, and we would spend some time in Ceremony moving the energy..  the people who had caused the disruption the week before had moved out while I was gone, but the energy remained..  It was time to re-sanctify the path leading to our place.

So I got up and began gathering for the fire that I would be taking with me.  the gift of the sacred wood that smelled so sweet.. that came from the homeless man I had taken in..  It was a huge log and I had to bag it to take it with me..  then I went and gathered limbs for our fire.. After this I went from tree to tree, circling them and asking each and them if they would like to give us a gift for our sacred fire..

It was beautiful what they gave to us, I wish I had a picture to put in here.  Oh they gave us so much and it was so beautiful.  A bag full of leaves and seeds and stems and roots.. and leaves from the vine too, the red ones that Erza kept dropping for me.  The little purple stone that asked to also come be in our sacred fire.

I was also instructed that I should take a gift from the sacred fire from the evening before, so I took the mushroom I had been asked to place in it.  (funny thing about placing the mushroom in the fire was on the first night I was too frightened to put it in.. but the next day when the bee said, "Just be" I had gone and put the mushroom in..  I was afraid to do it because I didn't know what kind it was and worried I would hallucinate.)

I also received the gift of another feather.

On the path that leads to our sacred temple I lit sage to begin the process of opening up the path.  Then I set up the stones in the fire circle.... When I laid out the bag of gifts the trees had given me for our sacred fire, it was then I realized on this journey to the Place of Peace I had received the gift of fire from the man who came to walk beside me for a moment..

It was very spiritual, like a Bible scripture:  "I was hungry and you gave me food.  I was homeless and you gave me shelter."


Our sacred fire was beautiful, and it lit without any work at it.  I laid the huge log of sweet smoke upon it and a gentle wind blew it up the driveway all day long and into the night..

As we were sitting in the dark Tonya received some instructions.. Geolft had come and said that I had brought the spirit of the Swan and Warthog with me.. and the tree was weeping for joy to be released.

Here's Tonya's note from the Ceremony we were to perform:

Tell me this, if I stand in the fire, where does hell lie?  I do not feel heat, I feel the cold.  Cold where my body lies.  Colder in the water.  Presence of the chill is where I come from.



I tell you no worries.

The Warthog and Swan have yet to arrive.  Tears of joy streams down her face as she burns to come alive.

(The ceremony)  Look up to the sky, Look down to the earth. Look left.  Then right.  Have a spirit of a child.  Maureen take Trinket.  Tonya take Skylark.  For they are very much alive and moveable.  In spirit, circle the area in which you live.  Your gifts in the fire.  Leaves/ West,  Pinecone/middle,  Bark/South, Vines/North.  East is left open.  This is the path of the prayer of protection.  It was the path the sweet smoke traveled all day long, gently flowing down the path of the driveway... It was very interesting watching how that smoke traveled down the driveway all day long, and even into the night.  It only turned and faced us once, and that was to give us the message of this ceremony.

At end, tell your testimony of protection.  Spirit will follow rays of light.  State your color of ray.  The colors that you may use are what has already been burnt.  Any color that has already been burnt in the fire.

  When I had been at the Gorge asking who wanted to come to our sacred fire, this really lovely purple stone had asked to come be in our fire.. so I took the purple ray of light and had it flicker with these beautiful yellow flames.. just kind of spread through it in waves.. like a porcupine sending out the purple rays of light and yellow flames flickering through it.. 

And I liked the way it was stated:  "Tell your testimony of protection."  I thought that was so beautiful as I stood there talking to the flames of this sweet smelling fire explaining why I was sent here to sing to a mountain, to do my part to restore her so that she could rise up and take her place in the New World, and how this work was so important, and in this place, sometimes I expressed fear, fear when they would tell me to climb the mountain in the dark, or fear when they would tell me to climb to a certain spot to sing to her there when I knew the sun was descending.. and in this place I needed protection and signs that I walked with protection, so that I could do the work that I was sent here to do."

It was also said that the Swan and the Warthog would not arrive until after the whole log had burned up.  And that in the morning we should take the ashes and save them into a jar to use in Ceremony later.

I was instructed that 2 jars had been left for me and that I was to go retrieve them and place the ashes in them.  So I did..

There was one thing, and this might be personal, but Tonya said she was told when the yellow butterfly appears, look for the message...  I thought that was interesting because (as it has taken me a while to get this written up) we went to the mountain to gather leaves and flowers and bark for a rainbow ceremony and ended up exactly in the place where I sing into the womb.  So far I have been singing into 3 of them.. and then there's the sitting stone..  was sitting on the sitting stone when out from the woods flew a yellow butterfly.. and thus I now have 5 mouth of the wombs that I sing to..



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Secret journal located here.  This is not linked to the web page, but are notes that only a person with access to my computer could read... Some thoughts are private and not for public reading.. and yet, in some distant future I would like the person who takes the time to study my path to have access to these thoughts..  go here