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Sacred Journeys



Looking back

Moving down here has been an amazing journey

I love the feeling when Spirit kicks in

no human form to teach,

just Spirit guiding our lives,

placing in our paths

just the right learning

at the moment

when we are ready

to receive it.

I love the way it happened,

traveling through time

seeing the spirit animals

in the rocks and trees and waters and grasses

blowing them kisses through time,





always knowing the day would come

when I would see them for real again,

if not through my eyes,

then through another's.

Yet still another part of my journey

to find the magic inside,

and see them with my own eyes,

Their presence so strong

in these moments I've spent

I love the way Spirit opens the path.  Seemingly silly commands, like, "Hey Maureen, start a fire."  Let me show you what you don't know, so when you know, you'll know you received the Gift.

It's been such a beautiful journey.