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Sacred Journeys



Wednesday, August 02, 2006

On this day they gave Tonya the names to the animals.  but they didn't just tell her the names.  What they did was to play like this tape recorded message in her head, a series of letters that all ran together.  She kept reciting them to me, saying it was about to drive her nuts because all day long they had been reciting these letters to her.  And they all ran together so that as soon as it ended, it began again.  Finally I decided to write them down as she was reciting them.  It took quite a while to do this because I could only get so many letters written down before they would be so far ahead that I couldn't remember what came next.. Then I would have to wait for the next loop to catch some more letters.  Up until this point, there were only certain names that Tonya knew: Bongo, Rexon, Whisper, Geolft and Luthorne.

On the fist day Bongo was the lion that was sitting at the corner of the trailer.  He also was the animal that came charging at her whenever she almost jumped in my lap.  And when the animals were all standing between the 2 trees waiting for me to give them permission to come into the yard.. that point where Tonya yelled "Dragon!" it was Bongo that she was seeing.  Bongo is the lion with wings, and he was the guardian of all the animals.

Rexon was the panther.  He was black with brown stripes.  He also was from my home world.

Whisper was Tonya's favorite tan (or white) wolf.  He was very large with his hind legs being about 3 feet tall.


The names: 

When Tonya was given the names she was given a series of letters like this: luthornegabrellazionellabrightsiennarexonsemonzacheane kameonerzabongocoraallecoraablbertoleocameroskylarkdemonebraflickonaneotorck camonillafontourkwhisperkaylanealisonel




Zionella  (tiger who is pregnant with the white tiger.   We also found out that she stayed behind for the Panda.)

Bright  ~Black bear

Sienna ~ gray Ram

Rexon ~ Panther, black with brown stripes

Semon ~ Brown bear

Zacheane ~ Anteater (blackish gray color) (aardvark)  

Kameon ~ Male Orangutan, the father

Erza ~ Female Orangutan, the mother  

Bongo ~ Lion with wings

Cora  ~ gazelle (reddish brown, black and white mixture like a calico)

Alle ~one of the wild ‘fox’s’ gray with black spots

Coraabl ~ hunting fox, red with a tan belly

Bertoleoc ~ Camonilla ~ baby mountain lions name

Amero ~ ram that’s gray

Skylark ~ one of the baby orangutans.. the boy

Demone ~ one of the wild ‘fox’s’ gray with black spots

Braflick  ~gazelle reddish brown, black and white, calico

Onaneo ~ Tan elephant

Torck ~

Fontourk ~ gray elephant

Whisper ~Wolf

Kaylane is the Panda who Sophie hid

Ali ~ One of the baby orangutan

Sonel  ~Elder Mountain Lion

We also worked the list from the angle of who came to the ceremony.  Tonya listed them like this:

Lion with wings (Myanmar) ~Bongo
Panther (Black with brown stripes ~Rexon
Aardvark ~ Zacheane
4 Orangutan (male, female, 2 babies) ~female Erza
Wolf (tan) ~ Whisper
3 foxes (1 hunting fox, 2 looks like wild dogs) ~ Coraabl, Alle, Demone
2 mountain lions ~ Sonel Elder Mountain Lion, ~ Bongo Lion with wings
2 bears (1 black, 1 brown) ~ Bright ~ Semon
2 rams ~ Sienna ~ Amero
2 elephants (1 gray, 1 tan) ~ Fontourk ~ Onaneo
2 Gazelles ~ Cora ~ Braflick
1 crow


We worked on the list for more than one day trying to get everyone sorted out with their names.  In the meantime, once we were able to get the whole list of letters to the names, Tonya began receiving more information.  She was told;  "The first 2 names were given to Maureen"

By this time we had pretty well shifted into the gear where we realized it would be helpful to have pen and paper ready. so what follows is the conversation that they told Tonya:

"Tiger and Panda didn’t show up for the ceremony.  The tigers name is Zionella and the Panda’s name is Kaylane."

" The night sounds we heard were the Panda.  Sophie did something with the panda.  She stopped..  she hid the panda."

"The Tiger is the protector or guardian of panda."

"2 were left behind, 2 left behind, 2 left behind"

 "Tiger changes color.  Tiger kept another tiger inside."  (Tonya, seeing normal tiger and then there is a white tiger.  With this I realize that they are saying the tiger is pregnant and what they are saying is she is pregnant with a white tiger.  So they say, "Yes, very sacred, very important birth.")

"Geolft left Sophia so she cannot lie, not coming through/around.   If you ask she cannot lie.  Geolft did something so if Sophie came around she has to tell the truth."

"Geolft is", then Tonya searching for a word that translated to him feeling frustration, "Sophie did this before, hides animals before from him."

 "Something Maureen did left a path for 2.  she gave her loyalty?  Loyalty? Royalty.  Maureen gave her royalty   Maureen left a path for 2 of them but she did not know it"… Then Tonya asks how that happens and I explain the whole process by which I set up the area for the ceremony… my heart told me to set it up the way I did.  My heart told me to do what I did the way I did it, but I don't know what I did.

 "Tonya left path for 1."

 "Offerings of oneself leaves a path."

 "Geolft hides no one."

 "Giving birth soon (tiger)  Baby important, sacred.. white tiger."

After Geolft became light, he became mute, cannot speak.  No calling.  Haven’t completely submerged,  Not all function     Sophia"

 "Tiger leaves tracks in the trees."  Tonya is being told, "Find track on tree.  North, East, South, West,  There’s a track on every tree.  Can’t or not give birth.   Gone since 5 moons and suns."  (today’s Wednesday, gone since Friday.)

"Shadow of a lady last night (Sophie’s changed, un recognizable, unknown guest.  Geolft mute, couldn’t ask for help since Saturday."

 "Sad feeling" that Tonya had been experiencing within the 2 shadow figures that she could not understand "come from Ella, cannot find Lanee.  Tiger cannot find Panda."

 Tonya was then instructed to draw on the concrete a picture of a tiger and a picture of a panda with symbols..  In the beginning she just drew them with black charcoal from our fire ceremony.  then when they went to the store, they bought some chalk and she drew in the colors.  (I couldn't take the whole picture at one time so I am including a series of pictures..)

Later Jason and Tonya went to the grocery store.  I was sitting outside singing hello my friend hello… over and over when there came 3 loud knocks.. I was really startled by it and ran into the house to see who was knocking.. but Desiree didn’t even act like anyone was at the door.. so I ran around the house to see if anyone was there.. and no one was.. so I didn’t know what to think.

Tonya made this on the way back to the houseAfter Tonya got back we were sitting outside and they told Tonya that Geolft had heard me singing that day and that he had left me a sign that he had been there.  Then she was being told it was technology, something like a football game.  I said, “oh so someone takes the ball and passes it off to someone else.” And they said yes….   Then they were waiting for Desiree to speak, so we let dez out and just as she was about to speak Jason called her back.. so they said something about Lanee being at the Gorge….

 Tonya was saying, "Maureen, do you know where the Gorge is?  They are saying Lanee is at the Gorge."

The Gorge? . . . oh my goodness, this is the place of my heart song.. and Jason was feeling like we needed to wait until the daylight to go.. but my heart was telling me we should run to the mountain right then and there.  Then it came to me what they said about it kind of being like a football game, someone was going to have to take the ball and run with it as hard as they could, and then they were going to have to pass it off to someone else.. so I had to .. heheh.. remind him of how much hard work I had done to get us all moved down here and now I was in a week of free time, magic time.. and please don’t deny me this magic time because I did so much work to bring us all here……… It was the football game and I had the ball and was running with it..  and I knew that at some point I would pass the ball… so Jason said we should go ahead and leave.. well, with that we ran right out the door and straight to the mountain.. As we were driving down the road Tonya received some kind of instructions of a ceremony that she was to do as soon as she got there.. It was to help her shift dimensions..

As soon as we got to the Gorge, Tonya did her ceremony (the one she was given to open her up there.) and we took off for the mountain.  It's funny, even though we took a flashlight, I wanted to show her the light inside the darkness so we began our journey with the flashlight turned off.  After we crossed the creek, it was either right or left, so Tonya asked and was told, "right to mother, left to father."  And from this she decided to go left..

We had probably only gone about 100 feet when she begins saying, "I don't understand that "go North towards the lights."  Well I did, so I turned us around and we went "right towards the mother."

We went for a ways and then we came to the stairs.  I went up the stairs and when I got to the top and Indian was standing there and he stopped me. I told him we were on a mission.. and then Tonya was at the top of the stairs, so we sat down on them.. We sat there a little bit.  I decided to get out the sage and light it to announce that we had come.  Then Tonya was told, "Walk 100 steps and you will see a friend."

We counted out the steps, laughing as we went about "Well what if our 100 steps isn't theirs?"  then we stood there waiting for more instructions.. They told Tonya to step across the gulley wash, and do her ceremony again (which was a series of hands movements that ended with her clapping her hands together.)  About that time she screamed with such glee, "ERZA!"

Now Erza was the orangutan, and she had come to escort us to Lanee's nest.  So we practically had to run to keep up with her, if you can imagine chasing a 5 foot orangutan who is running with feet and hands through the forest.

When we got to this one place she took off up the mountain and told us to follow.  But first she said for Tonya to pick up a rock.  So we pick up the rock (decided to leave it next to the path) and began to follow Erza up the mountain.  When she got to Lanee's nest she showed it to us.  I do wish we had a picture to put in here of Lanee's nest because you could really tell it was a nest..  Erza said that Lanee wasn't here, but this was one of the places Sophie had brought Lanee to when Sophie had persuaded Lanee to come with her.

Erza then said she would take us to another of Lanee's nesting spots.  so then we had to run back down the mountain to the place where we picked up the rock.  I quickly grabbed the rock and we ran behind Erza to another location.. of course this was Tonya vision, I could not see a thing, so I was just running behind Tonya doing what I was told.

When we got to the second nest it too was up the mountain, but this time Erza said that Lanee wasn't there either, and all's we needed to do was climb up the mountain with our flashlight high enough so that we could see the nest.  Erza said that Zionella would now go try to find Lanee.

Zionella was the guardian of the panda (Lanee) and she would go get her and bring her to us.  so we waited there a little bit and then Zionella appeared with Lanee in tow.. and Tonya was told that they would now follow us back to the trailer.  and that tonya was to take her flower and hold it out the window the whole way home so they would see the light and be able to follow us there.. they said that Sophie was away at the moment and did not yet realize that we had come and got the panda, so we needed to hurry home...

So I said we had better use the flashlight this time.. and we ran all the way down the mountain to the car where Tonya stuck her flower out the window as we drove down the road.

We were hurrying as fast we could when all of a sudden Tonya says, "Shield, put up your shield. Quickly now.  Sophie has discovered that we have taken the panda and she is coming to get her..

Well the only thing I could think of was to surround ourselves in a ball of light, and light the sage.. and so Tonya did that as I did that.  And then she took a ball of light and surrounded the animals.  then she tells me to just pretend I am taking a string from her and am holding the ball of light, like a balloon, so she can light the sage and hold it out the window to protect the animals.

So I do that and then Sophie is cussing Tonya out for taking Lanee, so I enclose us in a pink ray of light.. and Sophie says that what ever I just did will make it easier for her to follow....  we couldn't figure out what she meant, but continued to hurry home, where I drove all the way into the yard.

Then Tonya gets out and sages all the animals and takes Lanee and Zionella to the place where she made the symbols and places them there.  She says they are resting there until she can get the ceremony she needs to do to call down Geolft, so that he can take them. 

Then she places the stone, with the symbols just above the star and stands on the the star and begins doing a series of movements that ends with her clapping her hands.  The first 2 times it didn't take, she didn't get it right, but on the 3rd time she was able to draw him down.

As soon as he gets here he says its a pleasure to see me again, that he too hopes he remembers this, and that I must say whatever I want to say quickly as they must depart because Zionella is about to give birth.  so I just told him how honored I was to be sacred witness.. then Tonya did the ceremony.. and they left.