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Sacred Journeys



Thursday, August 10, 2006

This morning I woke up looking at the word Zionella over my head in rainbow neon lights.  I kept seeing it there for a really long time.  Later that day they insisted that I make up this picture to give honor.  I didn't know why, and then when I was creating this sacred event (the sharing of what happened upon our arrival at the Place of Peace) for my web page, something inside of me had me go ahead and create this page with Zionella on if it would become important later.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

I went to the store today and when I got back Tonya said she had gone into a trance and had wrote this out:

She was busy trying to decode the message and spent most of the morning working on this;  Here is one of the sentences:  Enchanted crystal eye flows out enchanted animal and kindred spirits from the pineal and negative energy is fill with love.

In the beginning she thought this message was about one of the crystals I have that she had a dream about.  In the dream she was holding the crystal and many symbols were coming out of it in rainbow sparkling lights.  She drew this picture of the symbols coming out of the crystal

As Tonya spent the morning trying to decode the message she had been given, there was this point where we went outside and were discussing the symbols.  I was telling her about the star of David symbol because she was translating it as sexuality (from something I had told her earlier.)  I wanted to share with her that the Star of David had occurred within our star system in 2003, and what I had seen of that was that that sun made love to the earth at that time (he lay upon her) and the New Earth was conceived.  There was another point in which the Star of David also translated to conception, or the planting of the seed.  It was the sign the 3 wise men followed when the Christ (known as Jesus) was conceived and born and that perhaps the symbol of the Star of David translated to "divine conception."

I think she was translating the bird as 'eye'.  She said something about it being viewing with the birds eye. 

There was also one (within the message) that translated to "water reign fire.. reign of fire water" which she had read more than once within the message she had received.  I told her that I wanted to share something with her, not because I knew this was the translation but because this is what it reminded me of every time she said it, and because the ones who were giving her these messages were very good at taking what I shared and using the information.

In 1991 there was a star gate opening.  It was called the 11:11 and I participated in the ceremonies of the opening of the Star Gate.. and it was said, at that time the Keeper of the Age of Pisces would pass the wand (which they later corrected as the staff) to the Keeper of the Age of Aquarius.  It was said that Keeper of the Age of Aquarius would then take his staff and from it would come lightning bolts that would travel through our bodies and activate that which lay dormant within us... When we agreed to come here to this experience we had to deactivate parts of ourselves so we ordained that at a certain point we would put in an activation code to remember to awaken.  the activation code would be the numbers 11:11... Also within the stories Bear has told me, he also mentioned the lightning that came down through the people of the ceremony, and then the people spoke with one voice..  I told her the only name I could remember was Melchizedek.. and that when she spoke of the fire of rain that this is what it reminded me of.

We couldn't understand all that they brought through from this.. something about it skipping an age, or one missed.. something about the Abyss.. and something about Maldevine.  It took a while, we went back in the house and when we went back out to smoke again what follow is the message Tonya received..... They also told her she was channeling her higher self and that her name was Pink River Rainbow...  I italicized the parts where Tonya is speaking what she is being told.


Maldevine is the name of Zionella's baby.  Maldevine's tribe is the Abyss.   He is to be the leader of the Abyss.  Zionella and Kaylane belong to the Cheyenne tribe.  And Zionella walks with rainbow feet.  That is how they knew she was going to bear the tribal leader.

Flower Hawk was a woman in the Cheyenne tribe.  It's supposed to be a man who prophecies, not a woman, but Flower Hawk (adopted by the Cheyenne tribe.  She was Pilipino, not Cheyenne, a lost baby who the Cheyenne found) is the one who told them that Maldevine would be the leader of the Abyss tribe.

Sophie is part of the Cheyenne tribe.  She is the princess and with her daddy she got everything she wanted, gifts, men, whatever she wanted her daddy gave her.

Geolft looks like one of the guys in her tribe that she fell madly in love with. She wanted to keep Geolft here but she didn't understand that this was the animals journey.

Geolft is someone who can be at different times (at the same time he is one place, he can be somewhere else.)  That's why he's the Gate Keeper.

Gabrella is Geolft's wife.  (She's taken a new contract since the ceremony.  This information was given to Tonya a few days ago.  Gabrella is also a Gate Keeper.  In the picture there is a ray of life coming from her heart.  her left hand is down and her right hand is bent at the elbow her hand goes up.  Her hand is cupped, somewhat like 3 fingers up and a c.  Under her elbow is what she would call her jewelry.  She has very long hair, it goes down almost as long as her dress.  And below her feet is the Gate that she came through to reveal herself.)

Sophie told her father that Flower Hawk was a crazy person and to not believe anything she said.  Flower Hawk fell in love with Torck (Turock), one of the Indians in the tribe.  He didn't want to be with Sophie, he wanted to be with Flower Hawk.

Flower Hawk was on vision quest for 2 weeks.  She saw that Zionella had rainbow feet and knew that Zionella was going to give birth to the sacred white tiger.

So Sophie is an Indian spirit and whoever it is at the Fall Gathering that Tonya has been told to .. meet, even though this person will not speak to us, is the Pisces, she's Sophie's other half from the split.  We are not to seek this person out because to make them merge though because in this life this person feels normal and happy.  If they were to merge this person would feel crazy.

Sophie split herself off because she did not have control of her whole self.  Split herself from day and night.  Flower Hawk saw Sophie's ascension (where she split herself from day and night.)

Geolft delivered the Abyss Tribe to Flower Hawk and that is where they went on the night that we did the ceremony.

Flower Hawk is Gate Keeper to the Abyss.

After our ceremony Flower Hawk didn't know that they had gone into the universe for 3 days.

In 1882 Geolft had a past life and he was Torck (Turock), which was Flower Hawks husband in that life.  That's in the year that Sophie got jealous and split herself off.  So that must be why Geolft said, "I'm so tired of her keeping hiding animals from me." .. the feeling of frustration over Sophie hiding the panda (Kaylane).

At the end Tonya said, "Oh, we now know the language of the birds."

Later Tonya and Jason went to the Gorge.  Tonya saw Sionel (the elderly mountain lion) in a tan rock.  Then she looked up into the mountain and Erza was formed into the mountain.

Tonya said "show me more" and it was like a gate opened, looking like a rainbow colored hawk and it opened up its wings and she could walk through the gate.

After they came home she went out to smoke and she saw Bongo, Zionella and Maldevine.  The outlines of their bodies were like stars, and there was Bongo and Zionella and when Zionella was walking Tonya could see the rainbows coming out of her feet, and then she saw the sign of divine conception (the star of David, 2 triangles laying on top of each other, and then out of that star of David there came the white tiger cub (Maldevine) and its wings were spread out..


Tuesday, September 26, 2006

We went out to smoke and I was telling Tonya that I went to the mountain last night to sing into the places where the water used to come out of the womb.... After a bit she said that they said when I was singing "hello" into the holes these, something that looked like rainbows, would come out of the holes and hop over to the next one...

Then later Tonya asked me if I knew what the Stone of Destiny was?  I said no and she said they told her that I walked with the Stone of Destiny in my 3rd eye....