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This story begins in so many different time lines that it's hard to know where to begin..  So I just have to begin somewhere, and try to blend everything together as I go.


One of the events that will become more important later involves a guy I met on line.  It wasn't really that I talked to him.  It was more that he shared information and I enjoyed reading what he was sharing.  And for some reason I felt safe with him, even though we never spoke.  I think it was because when I looked at his sharings I saw him looking for the hope.  I found comfort in that, that so much of what he brought to us showed hope for the Indian heart.  As later in the story, he will become a larger part of it, when I asked him what to call him here, he said to call him Skinny Hair.


At the time I was in a struggle.  Momma had given to me the instructions, 'that by sharing we grow'  and I had spent a lifetime not sharing my journey with people, unless we were like intimately, spiritually connected.  I just didn't let people know who I was, and when momma said, "By sharing we grow"  well that meant I had to rewire..


It was difficult.  I felt vulnerable as if I had been thrust out into the spotlight.  For 2 years it was almost like an inner battle with me.  Momma would say, "Share this now" and I did not want to share such sacred parts of myself, so it would almost be like, 'close your eyes, push the paper forward and see what happens.'


Then the strangest thing would happen.  Everything would go all silent, then Skinny Hair would step forward and say something that, to me, would feel completely contrary to all the hope he had expressed previously.  All eyes would turn on him, a great big buzz would sound in my ear.  All attention would turn towards him, and yet somehow it would not feel, to me, that he was deeply involved in the conversation he had diverted everyone's attention to.  Then before too long he would go back to sharing from the place where I felt safe with him, from the place where I saw hope in his words.


I share this now because at a later point I will understand this medicine.




Standing next to the Indian heart


For 2 years I persevered, battling against myself, against my belief that I could not share my sacred self here (and live to tell the story).  It was momma who orchestrated what I should share, when I should share it.  I just surrendered and followed her instructions, my close my eyes, push the paper forward and hold my breath time.


After a couple of years, I began to feel a change come.  There was one who came by the name of Buffalo Horn.  Something in his words would just take my breath away.  There were something's he said, that when he said them, I wept... not out loud, just in my spirit.


There was another guy there, one I talk to on the phone.  He goes by the name of Piro.  He sent me a letter and said that Buffalo Horn had come for me... and all my seeing slipped into history.


I am an Indian maiden and I have just walked from the trees into an opening.  There is a buffalo standing there, one who I believe I have known for countless lives, for he does not walk away as I walk up to him and begin to speak so softly to him standing there.


I am mesmerized by what he is saying to me.  I am nose to horn, standing there looking at his great horn.  It is beautiful, more beautiful than I know how to find words to describe, for etched into his horns are all these symbols.


I am standing there for endless time, not in this time, in another time, touching this time I am in now.  It is the symbols on his horn.  I am reading them through time, reading them there, hearing them spoken by him here in this time space.  I am mesmerized as I realized there has been a shift and I am now turning to stand next to the Indian heart.



To stand next to the Indian heart, just as I am..

Even as the time I spent standing in front of the Buffalo Horn was coming to an end, the next Indian heart I was to stand in front of was being presented to me.

This one went by the name of Grayeagle, and as he was making his presentation he share a prophecy by the name of

Hothooka Caunotka

“Sign Of Purification”

Saugh-he, a sign of purification has been sent to the people, that the Morning Star will start to be seen right before the night and light dances together. This is clear to the people of understanding and balance. This message of purification from Creator is speaking that end times are near, as people know it.

.  .  .

The two brothers will work and walk with the Hothooka. The Hothooka Caunotka as my ancestors spoke of them, will dance with the wind and find the ones that remember the original teachings of the old ways. The Hothooka Caunotka, walks strong with Earth Mothers purification dance.


Oh how my heart rejoiced to read these words that gave honor to me, and honor to the other ones like me who came here to sing this sacred dance of the new creation song..... and I remembered...  I knew why it was that the one who came to guide me when i was 12, my mother from so many lives ago.. she walked with rainbow feet..  she had come here to give me the original teachings of the old way..  That was why she taught how to walk through the world of the solid.

Standing front of his Indian heart I knew that the gift she gave me when I was was 12 was how to walk the original way.. and somehow I would now have to find a way to share this information.



Even as I was standing in front of the second Indian heart, the wheels were put in motion for turning to stand in front of the third Indian heart to make his presentation before me.  Grayeagle had brought me to the place where I could say out loud the memory I carried within me of when we walked as spirit..  I remember making love to a Thunder Being before we became submerged in this world of solid.    





