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This story begins before it begins,

in a land where there was no time,

when once we stood as misty mountains

staring off into the distant thunder clouds.


When we walked as Spirit

with spirit

in spirit


When we looked like those

in the pictures below






Crab Nebula


food for thought

picture above... could this this be water spirit.  I have now had a merging with a Lakota heart..  parallel Thunder Beings, sprits without form, water, spirit without form..

parallel, in the Lakota way, the woman is held sacred in front of the man.    She has a natural purification process, every 28 days she purifies.  The man, he holds no natural purification process, must be purified through Ceremony

In above picture I see beautiful woman in front of her husband..  They are blue, like water, and she appears to have her foot in the water playing.

I also see those lights... maybe Thunder Beings..... Slow gentle rolling thunder..

I offer this as food for thought, in advance, for when I make my sharing, at some point I will remember myself as a heavenly body.



Orion Nebula











Cone Nebula











picture above

Golden One?








Picture below

As I made this journey of discovery, my Misty Mountain love Gentle Rolling Thunder River Song, there was a man whose heart cried out to me for help.  And I did the only thing I could think to do, as far as medicine goes, I took from what was happening then and shared my Misty Mountain love Gentle Rolling Thunder River love song.

By this time I had already passed through the part where momma explained to me that a dream I had in 2003 was a dream from before I was in the world of solid.  She told me that before the time of the dream I was a Misty Mountain in spirit who loved listening to the Thunder Beings.

So this was when I began going to the Hubble site looking see if I could find any pictures of what I looked like as Misty Mountain... and it was while doing this that I had the following dream:


April 3, 2007

Just now wake up dancing in the big surf... like Hubble pictures all around me, I am looking through the Universe.. and all the ones who manifested here on Earth are dancing to call out to me as I dance on by.... mesmerized.. sanctified.. purified.... made holy in their love as they reach out to touch me with their memories.... and a love song calls as I continue my journey through the Universe of all the ones who manifested on the Earth, who came for the Great Touch, showing me, touching me with their Universes before time, singing to me the song of their creation.. here into a world of our creation, I travel on towards the sound of the song that has been calling to me since yesterday..... to find in space and sacred song the Universe from whence come the whale mating song...

I am mesmerized
made holy
by this touch...

they showed me this picture that the Hubble space craft took of them....

I was so touched to see them standing there looking at me like that.... so much love they were sending to me in their song....

through Millennium's episong..

so beautiful..

the dance

to dance

with Universe..

Wow, I just can't believe they came to my dreams to sing to me!

like that...


below is the picture they showed me of themselves.. the whales and dolphins.









Click here for more picture of us as Spirit