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on a Lifestyle

I have never been as happy or felt as good as I have this past year. It could be because I have quietly but joyfully tip-toed across the threshold of the half century mark. Or, it could be because I have chosen to go natural and to halt the  use of all chemicals on my hair. I believe that it is probably a bit of both coupled with my commitment to honor my spirit.. So - many - changes - deserve recognition.. It has taken many years for me to acknowledge my inner power, and to realize that I could enhance it through the use of rituals No-rituals are not voodoo or magic!  A Ritual is "recognizing a life change and doing something to honor and support the change".  In other words rituals are celebrations. One of the most precious gifts you can give to your family and yourself is the gift of c.


Rituals can be large and commercial-like birthdays, anniversaries and holidays or small and private- such as the ones that make you or your family unique and special. If you haven’t already started,  I urge you begin to create rituals today and follow them faithfully throughout your life.   Rituals can provide you with a source of comfort, security and stability and are an excellent way to center your life.  .Rituals date back thousands of years and they endure because they work! By opening your heart and allowing your mind to expand, your mood changes and your spirit is uplifted. In times of quiet reflection we are forced to slow down and be present in the moment. We experience a feeling of connectedness which allows us to gain new perspectives and see things more clearly.  This can be a tremendous help in our day to day living.

Two important things to remember before you start your ritualS are : 

Keep it simple and stay open to new possibilities. 

The 5 key elements for creating rituals are

Intention-your purpose

Sequence-A beginning and end (or how often you will perform, i.e. daily)

Sacred Space- Where will it take place (this can as elaborate as you want to make it or as simple as taking a deep breath or relaxing in a tub of warm water)

Ingredients- What elements will you use (candles, colors, crystals, food, music, scents, objects, artifacts, etc)

Personal meaning- What does it mean to you

I've created a beautiful sacred space in my bedroom. I have a fountain and surround myself with lovely objects that have special meaning to me. Candles have been used for thousands of years to signify a connection to inner power, spirit and light. I now roll my own beeswax candles but you can use store bought candles. I use incense and essential oils to evoke a sense of wonderful aroma (you may also add a few drops of EO to your candle for additional fragrance). I like to use beautiful crystals for their ability to receive and transmit energy (I also wear them).  The colors you choose can also be important (purple is synonymous with pirituality, inspiration and leadership). You can choose whatever speaks to you. And don't forget to add some of your favorite music! 


Several Rituals I've begun to celebrate are:

bulletCreating conscious holidays- My Sisterlocks birthday/anniversary- I celebrate twice a year, I take photos and update my website to honor myself and share with others.

community building and group bonding- Simply Natural by the Bay-Hair Day- Whenever needed. (to establish and maintain a sense of community and connection with friends), 


Honoring ancestors,( to connect and honor my past) Celebrated once a year. To remember where we came from is to enrich the present. Time for reflections use photos, conversations with elder family members, family reunions..


finding my power (release self imposed limitations and realize my power), Anytime I feel out of touch with my power or overwhelmed with outside influences (Use gold candles for self confidence). Long warm, bubble baths with scented bath crystals and oils help me to relax and re focus. 


 Journal writing  (to gain clarity through self awareness) Practiced daily. A way to free my mind of clutter and sort out my feelings. I choose beautiful journals and colorful pens.


 Redefining age (Rejoicing in joys of aging) Every year after 45 till menopause. Add a candle each year and share the celebration with other women. Honor the goddess within.

If you use your imagination there are so many more. Perhaps there are rituals that you have been doing but were not consciously aware of. I'd love to hear about them if you'd like to share them.


I hope that you will enjoy my Six Month Anniversary pictures on the following pages as much as I enjoyed taking them!  


If not now, when?

-The Talmud 


Copyright © 2001 Devon Austin
Last updated January 1, 2002
Questions and comments welcome



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