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SCPP – PSL – The Torchbearer Class - ESDC

Torchbearer’s Class

Ages 14 to 17 years old

Welcome to the Torchbearer’s Page!

Taking various fundamentals from our Druidic College Training program we have restructured them into a 4 year course for the younger student. Here we will begin laying the foundation for the more advanced classes, offered to the adults in The Druidic College Training courses, to help prepare the student for advanced concepts and philosophies:

Here are some of the courses:

Myth and World History
Pagan Ethics
Survival Psychology for the Pagan in a Mundane World

Theories of Magick
Alter Tools & Setup
The Wheel of the Year

Male Mysteries for the young man
God Studies

Female Mysteries for the young lady
Goddess Studies

Natural Magick
Spell Writing

And of course organized Field Trips, Nature Walks & Camping and Astronomy Walks.

When the young adult completes all 4 years and passes the Final exam then upon initiation into ESDC they will be granted the title of Seed, this is the first step in completing the First Degree. Depending upon their “grades”, certain classes from the Druidic College Training Program may be omitted as a requirement for that Degree, and a discount given on the Degree’s tuition.

If a Young Adult comes of age (18 years old) and has completed only part of the course, the ESDC will assign a mentor/teacher to the young adult and continue their training in an individualized setting. The student, upon notification of satisfactory completion by the mentor/teacher, will be offered membership and continued training as described above.

Rules, Regulations and Tuition

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