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The Transformation of the Church

~ A Database of Historical and Current Data on the Strategic Partnerships

& Interlocking Directorates of Organizations in the Global Ecumenical Movement


Control over Christian Educational Institutions


But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them. II Timothy 3:13-14


“Public confidence is the essence of these things; once you’ve got that you can do anything.”


~ Augustus Melmotte, laughing about his fraudulent scheme—the Southern Central Pacific and Mexican Railway.

From The Way We Live Now by Anthony Trollope


The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves. ~ Vladimir Lenin


Overview of the organizations which control Christian educational institutions:


Rockefeller Brothers FUND for Theological Education

Association of Theological Schools

John Templeton Foundation

Cambridge University

Oxford University

Pew Charitable Trusts grants to Christian Education

Council of Christian Colleges & Universities

C.S. Lewis Institute

Wilberforce Forum

Acton Institute

Ethics & Public Policy Center

Center for Public Justice

Discovery Institute

Biola University

Southern Evangelical Seminary

Campus Crusade Christian Leadership Ministries

Access Research Network

Institute of Theological Studies

International Institute for Christian Studies



Ø              Rockefeller Brothers FUND for Theological Education / THE FUND/FTE


“The Fund for Theological Education was established in the early 1950s as a response to a perceived crisis in Protestant theological education.”

Supported by individuals and grants from a group of U.S. foundations…

Visit our staff at the Luce Center in Atlanta, Georgia, a facility that also houses the offices of the American Academy of Religion [AAR Steering Committee includes: Gordon Melton, see Ministries to NU Religions, CESNUR], the Society of Biblical Literature, and the American Schools of Oriental Research…


Ø               Association of Theological Schools/ATS—Rockefeller-affiliated agency for accrediting seminaries, since 1936


Supported by individuals and grants from a group of U.S. foundations including:


Ÿ        Rockefeller Brothers Fund for Theological Education/The Fund

Ÿ        Lilly Endowment, Inc.

Ÿ        Henry Luce Foundation, Inc.

Ÿ        William Randolph Hearst Foundation


Grants offered/available to ATS members include:


Ÿ        Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies

Ÿ        Carnegie Corporation of New York

Ÿ        Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation


The Gates Foundation is represented on the CCCU/Council for Christian Colleges & Universities Advisory Board See CCCU below


The Gates Foundation is a major donor to the United Nation’s family planning programs/population control [UNFPA/United Nations Population Fund].


Bill & Melinda Gates’ Landmark Gift to Population Control  


“The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the International Planned Parenthood Federation announce $8.9 million grant to improve women's health. A grant of $8,865,000 will go towards improving reproductive health care services to women around the world through International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) programmes, it was announced today. The fund, from The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, will be spread over five years.” - IPPF Press Release, London, 11 December 2000


Ÿ        Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion


Press release: “Leading religion prize, among the world's largest, honors discoveries and breakthroughs in expanding perceptions about divinity. A news conference to announce the 2002 Templeton Prize will be held on Thursday, March 14 at 11:00 AM at the Church Center for the United Nations… in New York City. The prize each year is awarded to a living individual who has shown extraordinary originality in research or discoveries to advance understanding of God and spiritual realities.…”

Awarded to Chuck Colson at the World Parliament of Religions, Rockefeller Chapel, University of Chicago Divinity School, 1993.


Ÿ        Human Genome Research Institute, NIH [HGRI director Francis Collins is on the John Templeton Foundation advisory board]


Ÿ        Tantur Ecumenical Institute for Theological Studies, Jerusalem


Tantur [established by Pope Paul VI] is the Vatican’s dialogue center for “Christian unity”


Ÿ        Pew Charitable Trusts Grant to ATS for Incarnating Globalization


All ATS-member’s must incorporate globalization into the curriculum


Orgs with ATS Affiliate Status—includes:


Ÿ        Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations  

Ÿ        Institute of Buddhist Studies

Ÿ        Graduate School of Islamic and Social Sciences


Ø               John Templeton Foundation—merging science & religion


Ties and inter-connections:


Ÿ        Francis Collins, member of the John Templeton Foundation advisory board; director of the Human Genome Research Institute, NIH; genetic engineering; speaker at the C.S. Lewis Institute and whose article justifying genetic research/cloning is featured on the Center for Bioethics & Human Dignity/CBHD [Nigel Cameron & John Kilner] web site. See: Spiritual Counterfeits Project, Part II

Ÿ        John Marx Templeton, Jr. [son of Sir John Marx Templeton], Princeton Theological Seminary Board of Trustees Emeriti/ae The PTS seminary is the site of Templeton Hall; Trustee of the National Bible Association/National Bible Week in partnership with American Bible Society, United Bible Society, First Amendment Foundation-FAF/Freedom Forum-FF [founded by John Siegenthaler, founding editor of USA Today; FAF/FF spawned the ecumenical Williamsburg Charter]

Ÿ        David B. Larson, member of the John Templeton Foundation advisory board; M.D. Psychiatrist and former senior fellow at the National Institute for Mental Health (NIMH); currently the president of the National Institute for Healthcare research; his prison research projects are funded by the Templeton Foundation and often done in partnership with Prison Fellowship/PF [NGO of the UN founded and directed by Chuck Colson, a member of the secret Council for National Policy/CNP and a Contributing Editor of Christianity Today]; Wilberforce Forum [AF dean is Nigel Cameron—Christianity Today, Contributing Editor] is an initiative of Colson’s Prison Fellowship/Justice Fellowship; Wilberforce Forum is in partnership with the Council on Christian Colleges and Universities/CCCU; both Nigel Cameron and Chuck Colson serve on the CCCU/Council for Christian Colleges and Universities advisory board. See CCCU below

Ÿ        Martin E. Marty, member of the John Templeton Foundation advisory board; Park Ridge Center for the Study of Health, Faith, and Ethics; University of Chicago Divinity School—Martin Marty Center; former founding director of the Pew-funded Institute for the Advanced Study of Religion/Yale U.; past president of the American Academy of Religion/AAR is located at the Rockefeller Brothers Fund for Theological Education/Luce Center, Atlanta, Georgia; Center for Bioethics & Human Dignity [supported by undisclosed corporations & foundations] CBDH Advisory Board Chair Nigel Cameron and CBHD President John Kilner; Kilner was formerly at The Park Ridge Center for the Study of Health, Faith, and Ethics with Martin E. Marty.


CESNUR’s Gordon Melton is on the AAR Steering Committee funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and the Pew Charitable Trusts.

See Ministries to NU Religions, CESNUR [Massimo Introvigne, Gordon Melton, Eileen Barker/London School of Economics-LSE] and EMNR/Evangelical Ministries to New Religions—Gordon Melton EMNR 2002 Conference speaker


Ÿ        Laurance S. Rockefeller, member of the John Templeton Foundation advisory board

Ÿ        John Russell, member of the John Templeton Foundation advisory board; founder of the Templeton-affiliated CTNS/Center for Theology and Natural Sciences. Graduate Union Theological University, Berkeley; ongoing collaborative research with the Vatican Observatory

Ÿ        Ted Peters, Ph.D. Professor of Systematic Theology at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary and the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley. He is an active participant at the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences, where he directs the CTNS-Templeton University Lectures and the CTNS-Templeton Science and Religion Course Program. Dr. Peters was principal investigator for the theological questions raised by the human genome initiative study sponsored by the Human Genome Initiative.

Ÿ        Nancy Murphy, member of the John Templeton Foundation advisory board; professor of Christian philosophy at Fuller Theological Seminary; involved with the Templeton-affiliated  CTNS/Center for Theology and Natural Sciences [Berkeley]

Ÿ        Stephen G. Postmember of the John Templeton Foundation advisory board; his doctorate in religious ethics and moral philosophy from the University of Chicago Divinity School

Ÿ        Thomas W. Gillespie, member of the John Templeton Foundation advisory board; president of the Princeton Theological Seminary


Many of Rockefeller-affiliated Assn. of Theological Schools/ATS-member seminaries host the numerous debates and roundtable discussions, lead by representatives from John Templeton Foundation’s Speaker’s Bureau—the so-called “ethicists.”


Ÿ        Foster Friess, member of the John Templeton Foundation advisory board; executive committee of the Council for National Policy/CNP and Advisory of the Royal Swedish Academy which issues the Nobel Prize in chemistry & physics

Ÿ        Glenn R. Mosley, member of the John Templeton Foundation advisory board; Association of Unity Churches


Previously listed as a Trustee for the National Bible Week/National Bible Association


Ÿ        Kenneth Giniger, member of the John Templeton Foundation advisory board; Trustee of the National Bible Week/ National Bible Association

Ÿ        Dr. Philip  Hefner, member of the John Templeton Foundation advisory board; Co-Director of the Chicago Center for Religion and Science/CCRS and is Editor-in-Chief of CCRS’s Zygon Journal of Religion and Science


See Ministries to NU Religions, EMNR/Evangelical Ministries to New Religions, Eric Pement, EMNR Board of Directors XXXXXXXX


Ÿ        Elizabeth Peale, member of the John Templeton Foundation advisory board; Chairman of the Board of the Positive Thinking Foundation


Husband Norman Vincent Peale [deceased] was a 33º Freemason and an associate of 33º Freemason, Robert Schuller.


Ÿ        Rev. Arthur Peacocke, member of the John Templeton Foundation advisory board; director of the Templeton–funded Ian Ramsey Centre, Oxford University

Ÿ        Keith Ward, Advisory Board of the John Templeton Foundation; professor of divinity , Oxford University

Ÿ        John Barrow, member of the John Templeton Foundation advisory board; professor of mathematical sciences, Cambridge University

Ÿ        Jeffrey Schloss, member of the John Templeton Foundation advisory board; fellow Discovery Institute Center for the Renewal of Science and Culture/CRSC; recipient of Templeton grants


Discovery Institute is tied to Hudson Institute, Council on Foreign Relation/CFR, RAND Corporation, Council on National Policy/CNP/Heritage Foundation/Edwin Meese, William D. Ruckleshaus/CFR and Christian apologetic organizations — Campus Crusade/Leadership U/William Lane Craig, Christian Research Institute/CRI/Contributing Editors Francis J. Beckwith/J.P. Moreland and EMNR/Evangelical Ministries to New Religions/Sacred Tribes/Phillip E. Johnson, friend of Spiritual Counterfeits Project Tal Brooke


Templeton Honors College and THC Advisory Council at Eastern College


Now Eastern University in partnership with World Vision.


United Kingdom…


Ø               Cambridge University—Faculty of Divinity/ Theology & Religious Studies


CARTS—Centre for Advanced Religious and Theological Studies


"…cooperation with other faculties, universities and organisations in all parts of the world… The current faculty includes members of the Church of England, Roman Catholic and Free Churches, a Jewish Rabbi and a Muslim." Funded by Pew Charitable Trusts.


CART’s World Christianity Project in partnership with:


Ÿ        OCI/Overseas Council International & OCI’s IEGTE

Ÿ        IEGTE/ Institute for Excellence in Global Theological Education—

Mobilizing a network of international schools of theology

Ÿ        Fuller Theological Seminary

Ÿ        Eastern College’s Centers: (now Eastern University in partnership with World Vision)

Ÿ        SILD/School of International Leadership and Development [James Engels]

Ÿ        DAI/Development Associates International, Eastern College [James Engels]

James Engels is a Christianity Today, Advisory Editor 


Ian Ramsey Centre, Cambridge
“a beneficiary of the John Templeton Foundation… to encourage new networks through which connections between theology and the sciences can be explored”

Director: Arthur R. Peacocke, advisory board of the John Templeton Foundation


Ø               Oxford University


About Oxford: History

Founded by the Ancient Order of Druids

Center of the Counter-Reformation in England

Rhodes Scholars


Ÿ        Wycliffe Hall­­— Alister McGrath, Principal

John Templeton Oxford Seminars on Science and Christianity [directors Alister McGrath— Christianity Today, Consulting Editor and Dr. John Roche]

“This program exemplifies the mission of the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities” See CCCU below


Ÿ        Zacharias Trust

a.k.a., Ravi Zacharias International Ministries/RZIM

Associate member of the World Evangelical Fellowship


Ÿ        Oxford Centre for Mission Studies/OCMS

INFEMIT/International Fellowship of Evangelical Mission Theologians

"Shaping Evangelical Mission Theology and Strategy"

OCMS's journal Transformation

Pew Charitable Trusts grants to INFEMIT's Vinay Samuels via…

Opportunities International, Inc. [Vinay Samuels]—the INFMET corporate connection


See: TOC Database: Oxford Centre for Mission Studies


Ø               Pew Charitable Trusts grants to Christian Education

Pew grant to Council for Christian Colleges & Universities/CCCU & Center for Public Justice—CIVITAS Program

Pew’s Young Scholars Program [University of Notre Dame]


Ø               Council of Christian Colleges & Universities/CCCU


Partnerships include:

Ÿ        Templeton Foundation

Ÿ        Wilberforce Forum


CCCU oversight includes representation from:

Ÿ        Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Ÿ        Christianity Today staff members

Ÿ        American Bible Society/ABS

Ÿ        World Vision

Ÿ        Wilberforce Forum

Ÿ        Kellogg Foundation


CCCU-affiliated programs includes:

Ÿ        World Magazine’s World Journalism Institute/WJI

Ÿ        organizations represented include:

Ÿ        USA Today

Ÿ        CNN News

Ÿ        United Press Int’l/UPI [owned by Sun Myung Moon]

Ÿ        Washington Times [owned by Sun Myung Moon]

Ÿ        Wall Street Journal— John Fund [associate of the Heritage Foundation]

Ÿ        CCCU’s Institute of Journalism— Terry Mattingly

Ÿ        Tyndale House [publishers of the Living Bible / Living Translation]— Deborah Beisner

Ÿ        Knox Theological Seminary [founder and chancellor D. James Kennedy/CNP]— E. Calvin Beisner [formerly at Christian circa 1990; brother of CRI’s Gretchen Passantino]

Ÿ        God's World Publishing, Inc.— Joel Belz, CEO

Ÿ        Campus Crusade’s Kings College—Bill Bright/CNP

Ÿ        Ethics and Public Policy Center/EPPC— Michael Cromartie

Ÿ        Ethics and Public Policy Center/EPPC—David Aikman

Ÿ        Capital Research Center and Concordia University—Gene Edward Veith [friend of Spiritual Counterfeits Project/SCP Tal Brooke]

Ÿ        National Association of Evangelicals— John White

Ÿ        Discovery Institute—Nancy Pearce

Ÿ        World Magazine— Marvin Olasky [advisor to President George W. Bush on faith-based initiatives]

Ÿ        World Magazine— Susan Olasky

Ÿ        Christianity Today Carl Henry [first editor of CT, 1956-1968]

Ÿ        Cato Institute—David Griswold [CATO board member Theodore Forstmann is also on the board of Freedom House/CFR front org; Rupert Murdock is a former board member of CATO]

Ÿ        Christian Research Institute/CRI [Hank Hanegraaff]— Norman Geisler [CRI JOURNAL, Contributing Editor since 1989; president Southern Evangelical Seminary/SES]

Ÿ        Trinity Forum— Os Guiness [framer of the ecumenical Williamsburg Charter]


Several seminaries which are members of the Rockefeller-affiliated Assn. of Theological Schools/ATS are also represented at the World Journalism Institute/WJI.


Ÿ        Wilberforce Forum [Nigel Cameron and Chuck Colson] —WF’s mission and leadership interfaces with the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity [Nigel Cameron and John Kilner] See Wilberforce Forum below


CCCU, Oxford University & The John Templeton Foundation

Ÿ        John Templeton Oxford Seminars on Science and Christianity


“…reflects the John Templeton Foundation's interest in bringing together the religious and scientific communities in order to establish a scholarly relationship between the natural sciences and religion.”


Ÿ        The Oxford Summer Programme (OSP)

…is a programme of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities and Wycliffe Hall, Oxford [OSP director is Alister McGrath, Christianity Today, Consulting Editor and principal at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford]


CCCU and the Center for Public Justice…

Ÿ        CIVITAS Program in Faith & Public Affairs—CCCU, Center for Public Justice, Brookings Institution, American Enterprise Institute with a Pew Charitable Trusts grant: $ 1,500,000 (funded through a grant to Council for Christian Colleges & Universities/CCCU)


CCCU member orgs include…

Ÿ        Christian University Global Net/CUGN— CCCU's Internet Initiative

Ÿ        EQUIP University—affiliate of Christian Research Institute/CRI [Hank Hanegraaff]


Wheaton College Centers & Institutes:

Ÿ        Center for Applied Christian Ethics/CACE [C. Everett Koop & Nigel Cameron]


1999 Wheaton College’s CACE/Center for Applied Christian Ethics conference:
"The Use of the Human Genome: At What Point Do We Violate Humanity?"

Speakers included:

Francis Collins­­—John Templeton Foundation advisory board; director at the Human Genome Research Project, NIH
Ted Peters­­—John Templeton Foundation advisory board; He is an active participant at the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences, where he directs the CTNS-Templeton University Lectures and the CTNS-Templeton Science and Religion Course Program. Dr. Peters was principal investigator for the theological questions raised by the human genome initiative study sponsored by the Human Genome Initiative.
Raymond Bohlin­­—Campus Crusade’s Probe Ministries; Bohlin’s bio states that he was "trained as a population geneticist."
C. Everett Koop­­—Director of Wheaton’s CACE with Nigel Cameron; former surgeon general.
Nigel Cameron filled in due to the absence of Francis Collins.

Francis Collins, Director at Human Genome Research Project, sent a prepared message:
~ edited


   “As a committed Christian myself, I have often been troubled by the relative rarity of serious dialog between science and faith, and I regret that I won't be able to enjoy the interplay tonight…
   “The finished sequence will be available in 2002, or possibly sooner. Though heavily capitalized efforts are also underway in the private sector to determine this information for private gain, and restrict access to its use by patenting or secrecy, the publicly funded international human genome project is absolutely committed to the goal of placing all the information that comes out of the human sequencing effort in the public domain...
   “But of course genetic information can also be misused. Recognizing this fact, the Human Genome Project has from the outset set aside a significant portion of its budget to explore the Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications (the so-called ELSI program) of this accelerated pace of genetic research. Out of this has come a wealth of excellent scholarship and analysis, allowing us to focus on real problems (not the Hollywood version), and to develop a range of potential solutions…
   “Most observers would agree that the use of such approaches to alleviate suffering and prevent serious illness is a good thing, and is entirely consistent with long held Christian principles. Christ Himself spent a great deal of His short time on earth healing the sick‹surely He intended for us to notice that. The rejection of all genetic research, as some extremists have proposed, would thus be the most unethical stance of all…
   “As people of faith, we should be prepared to make a reasoned, logical case for where the line should be drawn…
   “Proverbs 19:2 says ‘It is not good to have zeal without knowledge, nor to be hasty and miss the way’ (NIV). Guided by the wisdom of Drs. Koop, Bohlin, and Peters, I am confident that your zeal and knowledge will be well blended this evening.”

Editor: The Center for Applied Christian Ethics’ curriculum vitae for Francis Collins and Ted Peters fails to mention their mutual membership on the John Templeton Foundation advisory board.


Ÿ        Institute for the Study of American Evangelicals/ISAE

[Mark Noll— Christianity Today, Contributing Editor & Dr. Nathan Hatch, professor at University of Notre Dame]

ISAE sponsored the Cambridge University/CARTS concluding conference “Currents in World Christianity" Project, July 2001


Ø               C.S. Lewis Institute


[CSL founder James Houston was founder of Regent College. CSL’s Scholar in residence is Art Lindsley, who has served on the staff and board of reference at the SCP/Spiritual Counterfeits Project/Tal Brooke.]


Guest speakers have included:


Ÿ        J. I. Packer, faculty Regent College

Ÿ        Alister McGrath, principal Wycliffe Hall Oxford University; editor of the John Templeton Foundation newsletter Quaerens; Christianity Today, Consulting Editor

Ÿ        Francis Collins, Advisory Board of the John Templeton Foundation; director of the Human Genome Research Institute, NIH

Ÿ        Ravi Zacharias —associate member of the World Evangelical Alliance

Ÿ        Os Guiness—former fellow at the Brookings Institution; framer of the ecumenical Williamsburg Charter

Ÿ        David Aickman—Senior Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center/EPPC

Ÿ        Aikman is on the faculty of the World Journalism Institute which works in partnership with CCCU/Council for Christian Colleges and Universities. See EPPC below

Ÿ        Dr. Myron S. Augsburger—President Emeritus of Coalition of Christian Colleges and Universities;

Ÿ        Rev. Dr. Jeremy Begbie—Vice Principal of Ridley Hall, Cambridge, England; Director of “Theology Through the Arts” at the Centre for Advanced Religious and Theological Studies/CARTS; Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge

Ÿ        Dr. Tony Campolo—– Director of the Urban Studies Program, Eastern College

Ÿ        Chuck Colson—Wilberforce Forum; Christianity Today, Contributing Editor

Ÿ        Dr. Samuel Escobar—former Associate General Secretary, IFES/International Fellowship of Evangelical Students [John Stott]; Escobar is a Christianity Today, Corresponding Editor; John Stott is a Christianity Today, Contributing Editor


Oxford University West

The C.S. Lewis Institute in parntership with Wycliffe Hall , Oxford University

C. S. Lewis Institute ~ Celebrating 25 Years of Ministry

Articulating, Defending and Living Faith in Christ through Personal and Public Life.


Oxford Studies  <<< scroll to bottom of page       


C. S. Lewis Institute Oxford Study Program

During the summer of 2001, the INSTITUTE in conjunction with Wycliffe Hall, Oxford University, offered the first Oxford Study Program. From June 21 through July 6, more than 30 participants learned from  Dr. J.I. Packer, Dr. Alister McGrath, Dr. Eugene Peterson, Trevor Hart, and Dr. Art Lindsley. During 2002 the Institute is sponsoring an Israel Study Tour.  Call the INSTITUTE office for more information: 703 / 914-5602.


Oxford Lecture Series

Since many world leaders have been educated at Oxford University, the Institute has initiated the Oxford Lecture Series, cosponsored with Wycliffe Hall, in an effort to reach tomorrow's leaders today. In May 2000, Dr. Armand Nicholi of Harvard University Medical School presented the inaugural lectures entitled The Conflicting Worldviews of C.S. Lewis and Sigmund Freud.


C. S. Lewis Institute Celebrating 25 Years of Ministry

Articulating, Defending and Living Faith in Christ through Personal and Public Life.


C. S. Lewis Fellows

A Year-Long Discipleship Program for Men & Women


    In September 1999, the C.S. Lewis Institute launched the C.S. Lewis Fellows Program, bringing together a group of professional men who desired to grow in their knowledge and love of God while sharpening their ability to articulate, defend and live out their faith in public and private life.  The program combines spiritual formation and mentoring with instruction in theology, apologetics and cultural analysis.  During the first year, Fellows received teaching from Dr. Art Lindsley and the Rev. Tom Tarrants along with regular prayer and fellowship.  Special sessions with noted teachers included Dr. Alister McGrath and Dr. J.I. Packer.





Free public lectures   June ~ July

The following lectures, arranged in association with Regent College, Vancouver, will be held at 7.30 p.m. on the days shown in the University Church. The lectures are free of charge and open to the public.



Tue. 26 June: ‘The Puritan ideal in today's church.’



Thur. 28 June: ‘The origins, development, and significance of the King James Bible.’



Tue. 3 July: ‘Christ, creation, and disorder.’



Thur. 5 July: ‘C.S. Lewis and the Christian imagination.’


Conference: Follow the Leader

EUGENE PETERSON, author of The Message, will conduct a conference on this subject on Friday, 29 June, 7.30 a.m.–9 p.m., and Saturday, 30 June, 9 a.m.–12.30 p.m., in St Aldate's Church. The conference is held in association with Regent College, Vancouver. The cost is £20. Further information may be obtained from Wycliffe Hall (telephone: Oxford (2)74762, e-mail:


Ed. Note: J. I. Packer, Alister McGrath and Eugene Peterson are all on the staff of Christianity Today. Packer and Peterson are on the Regent College faculty.  See expose of Eugene Peterson’s bible: The Message: The Mystical Bible


Regent College Anglican Studies Program


Regent has partnered with Wycliffe Hall, a permanent private hall of Oxford University, in an exchange program. Regent students who meet the Oxford entrance requirements are able to do two terms of their Master of Divinity degree in Oxford and Wycliffe students are able to come to study at Regent College.


As part of our program, daily Anglican worship is held at the College on weekdays during the academic terms. Anglican ordinands are mentored by the Rev. Dr. Harry S.D. Robinson, who serves as Anglican chaplain. The Rev. Dr. J.I. Packer is the director of the program.


Editor’s Note: J.I. Packer is a signer of the Evangelicals and Catholics Together Documents I, co-author of ECT II and “Resolutions for Roman Catholic and Evangelical Dialogue”; a signer of the Evangelical Declaration on Care of Creation [Interfaith/Earth Summit]; a member of the Board of Reference of Renovaré, a mystical movement founded and directed by Quaker psychologist, Richard Foster. Packer teaches courses at Regent College on Evangelical-Catholic and Evangelical-Orthodox Dialogue. See: Spiritual Counterfeits Project and J.I. Packer, Part I


See exposes: Dr. James I. Packer-Rediscovering Holiness [Miles Stanford]

J.I. Packer: General Teachings/Activities [Biblical Discernment Ministries]



Ø               Wilberforce Forum


The Wilberforce Forum, affiliated with Prison Fellowship [UN-NGO, Chuck Colson], works in partnership with the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities/CCCU. CCCU works in a partnership with the Templeton Foundation.


Michael Novak who serves on the Wilberforce Forum Board of Reference is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations/CFR.]


See: Templeton Foundation—Officers, Trustees & Advisors


Ø               Acton Institute


Ÿ        Marvin Olasky, Acton Senior Fellow—World Magazine editor; faculty of World Magazine’s World Journalism Institute/WJI; advisor to President George W. Bush on faith-based initiatives


Acton Institute's Board of Directors


The Acton Institute's activities are governed by a Board of Directors. Each member of our board believes in the importance of the Acton Institute's work to promote the compatibility of faith and freedom.


~ partial listing

Ÿ        Betsy DeVos - Treasurer, The Windquest Group, Inc. [member of the secret Council for National Policy/CNP; Amway Corp.]

Ÿ        Robert A. Sirico - President, The Acton Institute

Ÿ        Edwin J. Fuelner, Jr, The Heritage Foundation [member of the secret Council for National Policy/CNP]


Ÿ        Acton Board of Advisors

Ÿ        ~ partial listing

Ÿ        Doug Bandow, Cato Institute

Ÿ        John Michael Beers, Pontifical College Josephinum

Ÿ        Rocco Buttiglione, International Academy of Philosophy

Ÿ        Steve Hanke, Johns Hopkins University

Ÿ        James L. Johnston, Amoco Corporation (ret.)

Ÿ        Rabbi Daniel Lapin, Toward Tradition [associate of the Heritage Foundation]

Ÿ        Ronald Nash, Reformed Theological Seminary; Christian Research Institute [Walter Martin/Hank Hanegraaff] CRI JOURNAL, Contributing Editor since 1993

Ÿ        Michael Novak, American Enterprise Institute [editorial board for Campus Crusade for Christ’s ecumenical publication First Things—John Neuhaus; member of the globalist Council on Foreign Relations/CFR]


Ø               Ethics & Public Policy Center


Board members include:

Ÿ        Jeane Kirkpatrick—member of the globalist Council on Foreign Relations/CFR; Empower America with William Bennett [Heritage Foundation fellow], Jack Kemp and Vin Weber [Council on Foreign Relations/CFR board of directors; co-director of the Domestic Policy Project, Aspen Institute]

Ÿ        Richard John Neuhaus—editor of the ecumenical Campus Crusade publication First Things

Ÿ        John C. Whitehead—retired from Goldman Sachs; has served as a director or chairman of the New York Stock Exchange, the Harvard Board of Overseers … In 1985, he was asked to become Deputy Secretary of State, number two to George Schultz…He is Chairman of the Board of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the United Nations Association, and a former Chairman of The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation…He is a Chairman Emeritus of The Brookings Institution.


EPPC Winter Seminar 2000 ~ Science and Religion; Call for Truce

Oxford University Alister McGrath gave the keynote address: “Foundations of Dialogue in Science and Religion.” [Note the topic. How very Templeton-esque­­—the merger of science and religion.]

Those in attendance included:

Ÿ        Art Lindsley—C.S. Lewis Institute

Ÿ        Terry Mattingly—CCCU/Council for Christian Colleges and Universities Journalism Institute

Ÿ        Kevin Offner—InterVarsity Christian Fellowship

Ÿ        Keith Pavlischek—Center for Public Justice


EPPC President, Elliot Abrams is a member of the globalist CFR/Council on Foreign Relations; former/founding chair of the U.S. Commission on Int’l Religious Freedom. EPPC Vice President Michael Cromartie is Christianity Today, Advisory Editor, on the faculty of World Magazine¹s World Journalism Institute, above; former special assistant to Charles W. Colson, Prison Fellowship Ministries. EPPC senior fellow George Weigel is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations/CFR, adjunct fellow at the Discovery Institute with Heritage Foundation/Council for National Policy Edwin Meese III and on the editorial advisory board of Campus Crusade/ Christian Leadership Ministries¹s ecumenical publication First Things [­­John Neuhaus]. See Campus Crusade/CLM projects below.


Pew Charitable Trust Grants to Ethics & Public Policy Center/EPPC


Found by doing a Grant Search: Faith-based/All recent Grants

Ÿ        (2001) The Press, Politics, and American Religious Life, $ 430,000 (funded through a grant to Ethics and Public Policy Center, Inc.)

Ÿ        (1999) Ethics and Public Policy Center, $ 1,350,000 (funded through a grant to Ethics and Public Policy Center, Inc.)

Ÿ        (1998) Ethics and Public Policy Center, $ 925,000 (funded through a grant to Ethics and Public Policy Center, Inc.)


Ø               Center for Public Justice


The Pew Civitas Program in Faith and Public Affairs


“…is a program of civic education and leadership development for Christian doctoral students. The program's goal is to help prepare Christian scholars for leadership positions in academic, governmental, and public policy fields. Through a five-week summer institute, a fellowship in a Washington research institution, writing for publication, and a mentoring relationship with Christian scholars, the program encourages doctoral students to pursue responsible Christian scholarship, focusing on the nature of political life, public justice, and the meaning of Christian citizenship. Participating organizations are the American Enterprise Institute, The Brookings Institution, and the Center for Public Justice.

Funded by a grant from Pew Charitable Trusts; Grant Amount: $ 1,500,000


Ø              Discovery Institute


Discovery Institute is a non-profit, non-partisan, public policy think tank headquartered in Seattle dealing with national and international affairs. The Institute is dedicated to exploring and promoting public policies that advance representative democracy, free enterprise and individual liberty.


Discovery Institute’s

Center for the Renewal of Science & Culture/CRSC


CRSC Fellows include:

Ÿ        William Lane Craig— Biola University’s Talbot School of Theology, research professor

Ÿ        Francis J. Beckwith—Christian Research Institute [Hank Hanegraaff], CRI JOURNAL, Contributing editor and Ethics Editor since 1988; faculty Trinity Law School; Center for Bioethics & Human Dignity/CBHD advisory board

Ÿ        J.P. Moreland—Christian Research Institute [Hank Hanegraaff], CRI JOURNAL, Contributing Editor since 1992

Ÿ        Jeffrey P. Schloss—Advisory Board of the John Templeton Foundation and recipient of Templeton funding

See more CRSC fellows at ARN/Access Research Network below


Ø               Biola University

  Biola’s “Distinctives”:

Biola is classified by the Carnegie Commission as a Doctoral Granting II University, the second highest rank possible for a University that does not receive government research funds.


Scholarship Among Faculty—Fifty-six faculty from every department at Biola recently participated in faculty development, seminars on topics such as: …The Influence of the Puritans, led by J.I. Packer [Regent College]


Our three most popular majors - communications, psychology [see below], and business…


Biola consistently earns "Honor Roll" status from the John Templeton Foundation. This means we are recognized with only 112 other schools, as a University that builds character even as we educate.


Biola’s Certificate in Christian Apologetics


The certificate program has as its main component the Defending the Faith Lecture Series

Christian Apologetics participating faculty includes: ~ partial listing


Ÿ        William Lane Craig— Campus Crusade’s Christian Leadership Ministries/CLM Board of Directors; administration for Campus Crusade’s Leadership U; Discovery Institute’s Center for the Renewal of Science and Culture/CSRC fellow

Ÿ        Alan Gomes—Christian Research Institute CRI JOURNAL Contributing Editor, circa 1987

Ÿ        Gary Habermas—faculty of Liberty University [president Jerry Falwell] and Southern Evangelical Seminary  [president Norman Geisler] See SES below

Ÿ        Craig J. Hazen

Ÿ        Philip E. Johnson—Discovery Institute’s Center for the Renewal of Science and Culture/CSRC fellow; Wilberforce Forum

Ÿ        Greg Koukl—Stand to Reason apologetic ministry; his partner Scott Klusendorf appears as Contributing Writer for the Christian Research Institute’s CRI JOURNAL

Ÿ        J. P. Moreland—Discovery Institute’s Center for the Renewal of Science and Culture/CSRC fellow; Christian Research Institute/CRI JOURNAL Contributing Editor since 1992

Ÿ        Frank Pastore—formerly with Campus Crusade’s Athletes in Action

Ÿ        Scott RaeProfessor of Biblical Studies-Christian Ethics at Talbot School of Theology, Biola; fellow at the Center for Bioethics & Human Dignity; member of the American Society of Bioethics and the Humanities; Wilberforce Forum.

Ÿ        John Mark Reynolds—Director of the Torrey Honors Institute/THI at BIOLA University. See THI below

Ÿ        Ron Rhodes—Apologia board of directors with Rich Poll. [Poll is a former EMNR/Evangelical Ministries to New Religions board member; Christian Research Institute’s CRI Journal Contributing Editor from 1989 to mid–1990s

Ÿ        Recent Special Lecturers

Ÿ        Francis J. Beckwith— Christian Research Institute [Hank Hanegraaff] CRI JOURNAL Contributing Editor and Ethics Editor since 1988; faculty of Trinity Law School which was founded as Simon Greenleaf School of Law by Walter Martin  See Christian Research Institute/CRI report

Ÿ        Norman L. Geisler—Christian Research Institute [Hank Hanegraaff] CRI JOURNAL Contributing Editor since 1989; founder and president of Southern Evangelical Seminary/SES See below

Ÿ        Os Guinness—Trinity Forum; framer of the ecumenical Williamsburg Charter; speaker at the C.S. Lewis Institute; former Brookings Institution fellow

Ÿ        Alvin Plantinga—faculty University of Notre Dame


Biola’s Torrey Honors Institute [THI]


Torrey Faculty includes:


Ÿ        Phillip E. Johnson, PhD —Visiting Professor and Scholar in Residence

Discovery Institute’s Center for the Renewal of Science and Culture/CSRC fellow; Wilberforce Forum [Chuck Colson/CNP and Nigel Cameron]


Torrey Honors Institute Oxford Honors Program


…offered through the Coalition for Christian Colleges [sic—official title is Council for Christian Colleges and Universities / CCCU], is a wonderful opportunity to study in Oxford. As an OHP student, you will be a part of the Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies (CMRS); a program set up for Americans to be able to study in Oxford. You will also be an associate student of Keble College, Oxford. While studying at CMRS, you will still be enrolled at Biola.


Director: John Mark Reynolds [Discovery Institute’s Center for the Renewal of Science and Culture/CSRC fellow]


Torrey Advisory Board includes:


Ÿ        Dr. J.I. Packer, Regent College

Ÿ        Dr. Phillip E. Johnson, University of California, School of Law [Discovery Institute’s Center for the Renewal of Science and Culture/CSRC fellow; Evangelical Ministries to New Religions/EMNR’s Sacred Tribes outreach to new religions; Wilberforce Forum]

Ÿ        Dr. J.P. Moreland, Biola University’s Talbot School of Theology [Christian Research Institute [Walter Martin/Hank Hanegraaff] CRI JOURNAL, Contributing Editor since 1992]

Ÿ        Terry Mattingly—CCCU/Council for Christian Colleges & Universities' Journalism Institute; World Magazine’s World Journalism Institute/WJI See above

Ÿ        Steve and Mary Farrar [Promise Keepers-related/styled Men’s Leadership Ministries; Lausanne’s Mission America]

Ÿ        Dr. Herbert Schlossberg, Fieldstead Institute [The institute’s president is Howard Fieldstead Ahmanson, who is a member of the secret Council for National Policy/CNP]

Ÿ        Dr. William A. Dembski, Baylor University [Discovery Institute’s Center for the Renewal of Science and Culture/CSRC fellow]

Ÿ        Cathy Duffy, Grove Publishing [Home schooling author]

Ÿ        Frank Pastore, Talbot School of Theology [formerly with Campus Crusade’s Athletes in Action]

Ÿ        Larry Arnn, The Claremont Institute [President of the conservative Hillsdale College]


Ø               Southern Evangelical SeminaryFounder & President Norman Geisler


SES Advisory Board: ~ edited

Ÿ        John Ankerberg - The Ankerberg Theological Research Institute [CNP member]

Ÿ        Wendell R. Bird – Attorney  [CNP member]

Ÿ        Josh McDowell - Josh McDowell Ministry/Campus Crusade for Christ — associate member of the World Evangelical Fellowship

Ÿ        Ravi Zacharias - Ravi Zacharias International Ministries — associate member of the World Evangelical Fellowship


SES Reference Board:

Ÿ        Kay Arthur - Precept Ministries; member of Lausanne’s Mission America

Ÿ        Bill Bright - Campus Crusade for Christ —associate member of the World Evangelical Fellowship

Ÿ        Robert P. Dugan, Jr. - National Association of Evangelicals/NAE—regional body of the World Evangelical Fellowship and member of the secret Council for National Policy

Ÿ        Geoffrey Griffith - Africa Evangelical Fellowship

Ÿ        Hank Hanegraaff - Christian Research Institute

Ÿ        Eldon Howard - SIM International —associate member of the World Evangelical Fellowship

Ÿ        John Wesley White – Billy Graham Association


Ø               Campus Crusade’s [Bill Bright/ CNP] Christian Leadership Ministries

The Faculty Ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ


CLM Board of Trustees includes:

Ÿ        William “Bill” Bright—member of the secret Council for National Policy/CNP

Ÿ        Mr. J. Stanley Oakes, Jr.—on staff of Campus Crusade for 25 years; King’s College Board of Trustees with Bill Bright


CLM Board of Directors includes:

Ÿ        William Lane Craig—Trinity Evangelical Divinity School/Biola University, Talbot School

Ÿ        David MartinLondon School of Economics

Ÿ        Charles Malik—Past President, United Nations General Assembly and Security Council,

Ÿ        Ralph McInernyNotre Dame University

Ÿ        Edward H. Pauley—Chairman, Commission on Higher Education, National Association of Evangelicals/NAE

Ÿ        Alvin Plantinga—Past President, American Philosophical Association; University of Notre Dame faculty [Roman Catholic]

Ÿ        Hugh Ross—Reasons to Believe [creation-evolutionist]

Ÿ        Paul Vitz—New York University; board of directors of the World Congress on Families, an NGO of the United Nations

Ÿ        See EMNR/Evangelical Ministries to New Religions report ~ Part IV, World Congress on Families an NGO of the United Nations

Ÿ        Joe Sobranconservative columnist

Ÿ        Tom Bethellconservative columnist


CLM Advisors includes:

Ÿ        H.D. Lewis­­—Vice-chairman XVIII World Congress of Philosophy

Ÿ        Henry Margenau—Past President, American Association for the Philosophy of Science


CLM’s Board of Respondents includes:

Ÿ        Frederick Edwords— Executive Director, American Humanist Association,

Ÿ        Dr. Albert Ellis—Executive Director, Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy

Ÿ        Paul Kurtz— President, International Academy of Humanism; Chairman, Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal; President, Prometheus Books; Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at the State University of New York/SUNY; Editor, Free Inquiry

Ÿ        Antony Flew—Vice-president, Rationalist Press Association

Ÿ        Nathan Glazer—Harvard University; The Public Interest, which he has edited with Irving Kristol [Council on Foreign Relations/CFR member] since 1973.


Campus Crusade’s CLM provides oversight to: ~ partial listing

Ÿ        King’s College [Bill Bright]

Ÿ        Leadership U sponsored by Campus Crusade¹s Christian Leadership Ministries includes:

Ÿ        Virtual Office of William Lane Craig

Ÿ        Telling the Truth

Ÿ        Origins links to Discovery Institute/CRSC [below]

Ÿ        Phillip E. Johnson

Ÿ        Academic Integration project ­­leadership includes: Alvin Plantinga [University of Notre Dame faculty] and J.P. Moreland, Contributing Editor of the Christian Research Institute¹s CRI JOURNAL, since 1992

Ÿ        Academic Initiative­­ in collaboration with:

Bethel Seminary
Dallas Theological Seminary
Reformed Theological Seminary
Regent College
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
All the above seminaries are members of the Rockefeller-affiliated Assn. of Theological Schools [accrediting agency for seminaries].

Ÿ        First Things: Religion and Public Life [John Neuhaus]

is published under the auspices of Christian Leadership Ministries/CLM, an affiliate of Campus Crusade for Christ.

See Transformation of the Church/TOC database, Control over Christian Educational Institutions.

First Things Journal – Editor: the ecumenical Richard John Neuhaus; also Christianity Today, advisory editor; on the advisory board of Ethics and Public Policy Center/EPPC with EPPC President Elliot Abrams [CFR], Jeane Kirkpatrick [CFR] and John C. Whitehead/Chairman of the board for the Federal Reserve/CFR; collaborated with Chuck Colson [Wilberforce Forum] on the ecumenical document Evangelicals & Catholics Together Document, 1994.

First Things Editorial Board: Midge Decter [Heritage Foundation and Hoover Institution]; Michael Novak [CFR]; George Weigel [CFR]

First Things Editorial Advisory Board includes: Jean Bethke Elshtain; Carl F. H. Henry [former/founding executive editor of Christianity Today; currently on the World Journalism Institute faculty], Max Stackhouse [Professor of Christian Ethics Princeton Theological Seminary; director of the Princeton Seminary’s Project on Public Theology]

Ed. Note: Jean Bethke Elshtain, First Things editor/advisor, is also on the Wilberforce Forum [Chuck Colson and Nigel Cameron] board of reference; faculty at the University of Chicago Divinity School [Assn. of Theological Schools/ATS member] as the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Scholar of Social and Political Ethics; Board of Trustees of the National Humanities Center in Research; Co-Chair of the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life with E.J. Dionne, who is a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution; board of the The National Commission for Civic Renewal

Jean Bethke Elstain and the Martin E. Marty Center

The Martin E. Marty Center is the institute within the University of Chicago’s Divinity School where Jean Bethke Elshtain is on the faculty. The Marty Center, named after Martin E. Marty, was “founded to promote public religion endeavors. Marty serves on the John Templeton Foundation advisory and is a researcher at the Park Ridge Center For the Study of Health, Faith and Ethics. John Kilner, President of the Center for Bioethics & Human Dignity/CBHD, worked at Park Ridge Center previously. The Center for Bioethics and Wilberforce Forum are promoted as the Christian answer to the genetics/ethics problem, but CBHD and Wilberforce Forum are, in fact, a vehicle for controlling Christian opposition on this matter. The two are funded by undisclosed foundations and corporations. It is quite possible that Sir John Templeton contributes to their coffers.

First Things ­­Institute on Religion and Public Life [John Neuhaus]

Recipient of Grants totaling: $6,147,500 between the years 1989-1998 from: Olin Foundation, Sarah Scaife Foundation, Carthage Foundation [Scaife], Bradley Foundation, Castle Rock Foundation [Coors family]

Ÿ        Reasons to Believe [creation/evolutionist Hugh Ross]

Ÿ       Virtual Office of William A. Dembski
Demski is on the board of reference for the Wilberforce Forum and is a fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center for the Renewal of Science and Culture/CRSC.

Ÿ       Probe Ministries
[Ray Bohlin]
Bohlin was a featured speaker at Wheaton College¹s CACE/Center for applied Christian Ethics in 1999. His biographical material states that he was "trained as a population geneticist." Bohlin is a fellow at the Discovery Institute¹s Center for the Renewal of Science and Cutlure/CRSC.
See Discovery Institute/ CRSC above
See CCCU/Council for Christian Colleges & Universities member orgs, Wheaton College¹s Center for Applied Christian Ethics, 1999 conference "The Use of the Human Genome: At what Point Do We Violate Humanity?" above

Ÿ       International School of Theology [ISOT]
Rich Poll and his wife Pamela Poll attended Campus Crusade’s ISOT before arriving at Christian Research Institute/CRI in 1987 to work with Hank Hanegraaff. When Poll left in 1995 to return to ISOT he wrote on the CRI text files/message board that he managed:

Copyright 1995 by the Christian Research Institute.
"You are reading the last issue of the BBS-FYI that I'll be writing for CRI. <sniff> This news comes after having received a wonderful offer from the International School of Theology (ISOT).  At ISOT my new position will be that of an independent research associate. Even so I will be continuing with CRI as a research consultant at-large indefinitely.  Look for more news from me this Fall on related developments.
Anticipating your questions:
CRI has no official e-mail address or BBS.
There is presently no one at CRI to take over the BBS-FYI.
I do not know if the CRI TEXT software package will be updated in the future.
Nevertheless, by His grace I *will* be able to continue feeding content to the CRI-Article list.  The CRI-Article list will therefore be where to look for news of changes to the above.
The BBS-FYI is an in-house publication of the Christian Research Institute
Compiled and reported by Rich Poll
Poll’s Apologia is an affiliate to Lausanne’s EMNR/Evangelical Ministries to New Religions. Apologia and the Apologetics Index [Anton Hein] were set up about the time of Poll’s departure from CRI. Alan Scholes, who is on the ISOT faculty is also on the Apologia board of directors with Ron Rhodes who also worked at Christian Research Institute. It doesn’t appear that Poll, Rhodes or Paul Carden left CRI over the storm of controversy which has surrounded Hank Hanegraaff over the years; Theirs seems to have been an affable departure from CRI. Rhodes even implied in his closing note to the CRI message board that he would continue to work with CRI. A footnote on the Apologetics Index makes a reference to its having a working arrangement with Campus Crusade’s Leadership U:
About "Religion Items in the News"
following found on the Apologetics Index web site: ~ edited  
"If you do not have WWW access, you can retrieve the text of Web pages by email using Leadership University's EDoc service. For instructions, email with in the body of the message one word: help"


See: Rich Poll recommends cult apology book published by Tavistock Institute


Ø               Access Research Network/ARN [funding from Weyerhaeuser]


Directors Steve Meyer and Paul Nelson

Friends of ARN

“These are the folks who help provide much of the information and subject matter expertise found on this server.”

Includes: ~partial

Ÿ        Mike Behe       

Ÿ        David Berlinski         

Ÿ        John Angus Campbell                  

Ÿ        William Lane Craig   

Ÿ        Bill Dembski

Ÿ        Phil E. Johnson [friend of Spiritual Counterfeits Project Tal Brooke] 

Ÿ        John Mark Reynolds—director of the Torrey Honors Institute, Biola University

Ÿ        Jonathon Wells

All the above are Fellows at Discovery Institute’s Center for the Renewal of Science & Culture/CRSC


Ø               Institute of Theological Studies


Developing Church Leadership through Distance Education


ITS lecturers include:

Ÿ        Gordon R. Lewis—Evangelical Ministries to New Religions/EMNR founding member with Walter Martin, Ronald Enroth and James Bjornstad; Christian Research Institute [Walter Martin/Hank Hanegraaff] CRI JOURNAL, Contributing Editor since 1987

Ÿ        Craig Blomberg—author of the ecumenical book How Wide the Divide?; a dialogue with Stephen Robinson on the faculty at Brigham Young University/BYU and published by InterVarsity Press/IVP.

Ÿ        William David Taylor— Director of the Missions Commission World Evangelical Fellowship

Ÿ        John Stott

John Stott is the director of Int’l Fellowship of Evangelical Students/IFES [UK] which serves as the umbrella to InterVarsity Christian Fellowship —sponsor of the Urbana conferences. He is a Christianity Today, Contributing Editor. Stott was the strategist who salvaged the U.S. Evangelical Alliance [1846], working for the National Evangelical Assn./NAE [1942]; it became the World Evangelical Fellowship/WEF[1951]; now renamed the World Evangelical Alliance/WEA. Stott was the framer of the Lausanne Covenant [1974] which serves as the pivotal ecumenical document. Adherence/signing on is a requirement for fellowship to participate in numerous Christian orgs—Christian Unity over Biblical Doctrine.

Ø               International Institute for Christian Studies/IICS


“Sending Christian Academicians to the Universities of the World”


Representation by:

Ÿ        Christianity Today

Ÿ        World Evangelical Fellowship

Ÿ        World Vision

Ÿ        Ravi Zacharias

Ÿ        Norman Geisler [Christian Research Institute/Hank Hanegraaff]

Ÿ        Josh McDowell [affiliate ministry of Campus Crusade]

Ÿ        World Vision

Ÿ        Regent College…


IICS is an associate member of the World Evangelical Fellowship/WEF



Transformation of the Church Database