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Texas, to stay with my dad until I joined the service. But I think, I may go to Ohio where my brother lives, since the rest of my family is also thinking of moving there.

Admiral K'Lay Epetai K'Onor-Chang
Sector Commander

Admiral K'Lay Epetai K'Onor-Chang: This past quarter has been one of the changes for me, of letting go of some of my former duties and seeing those who they were delegated to shine, of welcoming the Fleet-Admiral on line and enjoying her active presence there, and that of friends who I had previously had precious little time for due to my infamous 300 e-mail high filing cabinet. I think the mark of a successful commander is one whose junior officers excell, and even surpass them in ability. And in that, I think the Admiralty, particuliarly myself, have been blessed with success: Khaufen, T'Lara, K'Obol, Q'rul, Azel, Volar, Mimbral, B'Etera, K'lla, Karg, Kadak, Katalyia, qeSan, K'Logh, Stephen, Jacen, and Borg, just to name a few, have taken command duties when they were asked to, and/or undertaken tasks that needed doing and which the Admiralty just didn't have time for. Nice to know that everything is in good hands. In my newly found "spare" time, I have enjoyed tackling Diplomatic Corps Command and role playing with a number of other Divisions, as well as gaming in several other non-club RPGs with club members, most notably Violet Rose. In real life, I am preparing for an

extended visit from my ally and friend Khaufen Juriss, who will be moving to California, and for a nine day vacation to Dover Ohio, where I will visit my son Chris and his family, as well as hopefully meet the largest contingent KSF members to ever gather together in one the Dover Convention. Hope to see you there.

Cpt. Volar Zantai K'zota-K'Onor:  Beyond the fact that I have successfully done nearly the impossible physically, my doctor still cannot figure out how in the world I could sprain both of my ankles at the same time!  With that and a personal life gone to chaos, I'm just a peachy guy.  To further that statement, I fully believe in wearing a special brand of T-Shirts to work.  Like..."I only smile because they haven't found the bodies yet."  And this..."Why do they call it tourist season if you can't shoot the tourists?"  Oh, and yes this one for those special days in wardrobe...."I only dress this way to annoy you."  Aren't we just the little happy camper these days?  Could be worse...could work for a rat!  Who is now scared, or at least "watching" the opening of a brand new theme park, which could very well dwindle the buses, not entirely, but somewhat for this new place of adventure!  Universal's Islands of Adventure (I work the studio thank you!) will open around May of this year, and I've had the chance to test out the Hulk and Dueling Dragons coasters already!  The one I want

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