Site hosted by Build your free website today! is an On-Line Klingon Club, complete with Chatroom, Links, National and International News, Photo and Art Galleries, etc.  Visit a Virtual Mars Colony, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, or other world space organizations and find out what is new while waiting to meet friends.  The site is open to the public and it cost's nothing.  Of the 90 Yahoo Clubs in the Star Trek category, the Raktajino room is currently the 6th most popular and I am working to improve it all of the time.  Come and see the club created by and for the KSF that so many non-KSF members are enjoying.  Set up a time on the club calendar or leave a message on the bulletin board setting up a chat or just invite your friend's.  It is your club after all, enjoy it.

  Hero's Haven  is set up similar to the Rakatjino room, but is designed for all kinds of roleplaying, not just Star Trek.  If you do more than just Star Trek roleplaying, check it out, it has something for about everyone.

B'Tana's Bar and Grille:  (  Was set up when a need seemed to arise where the members of the KSF could get together for "ceremonies" and roleplay and things such as that.  It is open 24 hours a day.  One advantage to being Klingon!  No one can tell you when to close up shop.  And if they try, well, I have the trophies hanging on the wall in the office at the B&G.
  I'd set it up when I was still online, but

now it is maintained by K'logh Chang, until I am able to get back to the business of running the place.  It is by invitation only, so if you are a member of the KSF, and you wish to have access, drop a line to K'logh at <> and he'll get you set up.  I hope to see plenty of new names on the member list when I get there.  I still drop by when I am able to.  Next time, I'll leave a note tacked on the board.  If you have any problems with the site, K'logh has the clout to handle them, so let him know and he'll take care of it.

  And finally, Karg Juriss' & Karl Holtz's room: "
The Great Hall of Honored Warriors" on Delphi. New members will need to be invited.  There are three primary entry points for your Forum:
- Message Board
- Chat Room nHall
- "Front-Door" Web Page

For those of us who cannot get into yahoo chatrooms due to software limitations:  there is yet another option:
The Hot Blood Bar:  This chat room is run by a non-KSF warrior, but is open to all, and is a good place to meet Klin of many clubs.  The atmosphere is usually cordial and casual. 

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