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Hickhex, Street Strength, & other poems of this morally bankrupt culture


you? Know you? let me glance back through my mental alleyways see the faces that betray all lined up ground hollow left cancerous in the night yeah, I know you saw you in my altars mirror a visual sin of sorts or so they say main stream & so damn shallow I give you a deadlight for the troubles you leave me Those needs creep upon you softly @ first, then dragging a clawed fist scrapping for some stranglehold against this abduction there are tears & terrors in your glistening eyes then that courage to burst treason of usage you believe @ first your heart sends black images throughout the conduits of the soul then clarity of desires aligned chakra w/ engine primed to blow & leave stains in its wake prodded into action through animal instincts survival of the inedible... left to ones own devices one devises devices to fuel the vices that one has acquired through survival of a lifetime of being inclined towards ones own devisings (organizms viralizations twisterpate transreality's temporealisms.)

		Street Strength:

	measure the concepts
	of reason
	by the laws of survival
	& discard those morals
	which decay

	endure long enough
	to find pleasure
	in existence

	live by the sword
	& die in bed
soul scarred beyond recognition
	that is the price
	of animal nature

& if you let me down you know I'll kill you!

I'm soft & hard in opposite places
fallen so far me mind is dangerous
& violence just ain't me kettle of fish
but in tight corners you know I'll resist

I've learned all me fighting from pirate lore
ya kill w/ the first blow then fight no more
& if they dare struggle then ya kick 'em in the throat
& never let anyone get yr goat

see, that's what being strong's about
being too friggin amped to be able to count
& have a bloodthirsty soul buried w/in yr heart
cause if ya don't then yr torn apart

now if that ain't the life then I don't know what is

	wake up to a gun & a bottle
	a contest or two,
& a glare in the mirror @ the man you detest

	what else can we be?
	our fate can silence us
	& the magic of moments
	merely flickering shadows
	thrown by the candles
	in the chapels
	behind our world

I hate this gangbang mentality
we got cooked up in the crack waltz alley
& the bathtub molotov reality
is only a five moment drive away.

Proven Prowling

The ghosts demand repentance Come begging handouts Of pity Worship me worship me worship me A fucking phone Off the hook Around here Somewhere Gone proud Prowling Hunting vagina “If you are told what to think, refuse on sheer principle.”

Low Sustains

Shaman caresses the veil Strength radiates in his fire Brilliant sensations corrode Erodes walls & dependence Fear They desire I require Dream between floors The classic ovulation Our cremation of pain The road lies holding Near Shall they dream my dreams W/ their solid compassion & Renegade free will?

On the connection between shamanic vision & psychotic delusion...

Bear Bare My burdens? Ha. I bear my own fears I wolf my desires “is it always this hard?” touch my shadow taken from its bleeding cancer built upon immortal granduer our vulgar display of phallusy gnostic genocided coincide w/ millinialist arrogance Ethnocentric Theological Bullshit Artist Give ‘em a rod & they’ll beat you w/ it, give ‘em a rod & they’ll beat you w/ it, give ‘em a rod & they’ll Repeat themselves into a corner Coroner at a late shift Madman was the latest stiff Given in to social whim Remove him from the gene pool

Treasonous Bastard

You taste that, got that stench of meaning strung out along guidelines to follow, between wires & muses, could that be your weapon? Mutually mutable flights of fancy… We take wind as a given when we touch, & words are simply tools used to pry out thought. We stroke the bloody fist & peer about for reason, knowing there is only dream & synchronicity to lead us… You flee this nothingless image of emotion, granted your passions to separate visions w/ that piercing veil you drape across your eyes so you can see exactly what you planned on, don’t you? I do not care if you think this is truth, to align symmetry w/ memory as you plant your bombs of kindness or drag witnesses to the completion of a cycle. False hopes leave deep wounds & w/out destiny all hopes are false. Dying is in fashion, has been for as long as we mortals have been around… check on your coat rack, leave ticket stubs in ashtrays, carry home a neon sign, there is twilight in the wine. Twilight & dusk in the eastern skies… you taste that? Taste steel winds & Coal fires? Yet when that nightmare begins There are dark worlds w/in Destroy these dreamlike sensations

& If you need a good laugh, pop on over into