"John Doe Redeux" by Andra Marie Mueller
A brief vignette from Scully's pov explaining her near absence in “John Doe”.
"John Doe Revisited" by L.M. Shard
PG-13 - DSR - Alternate ending to "John Doe". What if it had been Scully instead of Reyes who had found Doggett in Mexico?
"Johnny" by Deslea R. Judd
PG13 - DRR, reference to Follmer/Reyes - "This was a game they had played for a long time. To see just how intimate they could be and still pretend that they weren't. One day, she thought, John would have to accept that just-friends didn't hold hands walking down the street. Just-friends didn't watch TV with their heads in one another's laps."
"Joshua's Grave" by Patsy Nova
PG - I just can't tell you what it's about because that would ruin the whole point. Trust me.
"Just Breathe" by Kimberly
R - DSR - The soul knows what it wants.
"Just Say Goodbye" by Andra Marie Mueller
G - MSR - After the events of "Existence", Mulder comes to a heartbreaking conclusion.