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Kryson's Tale

When I was a child, I used to love fairy tales. My favorite was
Thumbelina... a tale of love that even size could not thwart. But as
I got older, and began to have relationships of my own, I started to
believe less and less in fairy tales until one day, I completely stopped.
I didn't even believe in love anymore. It seemed like everytime I opened
my heart to someone, they tore it out of my chest, threw it on the floor,
stomped on it a few times, and then threw it in the trash. I became very
jaded and bitter.

It was while I was this... jaded and bitter person, that I met my
husband, Shroud, who was just as jaded and bitter as myself. To jump
through time a little, we found out that we had very much in common
and fell very deeply in love. He said things to me that I had longed
to hear my whole life... he was so kind, sweet, and gentle... something
that I was not used to at all. Since we had both been so jaded, I believe
that for a long time we both felt that this was something that was too
good to last. I called him my silver-tongued demon and he called me his
angel in red... both names derived from our fear that this was too
good to be true.

As we both started to believe in love again, our love grew stronger and
stronger until nothing could keep us apart. We wrote each other poetry,
spent long nights talking about anything and everything that came to
mind... marveling in our likenesses. He bought me roses, for no
reason... I was used to only getting roses after a huge fight or because
I commented on a lack of romance, but with Shroud, he did it just because
he loved me. We began to finish each others sentences and think so much
alike that we truly became "one". Our friends started getting cavities
every time they were around us. One of our friends, as she was going
through a messy divorce, told us that we were the only thing in her life
that proved to her that true love really did exist, that our love was the
only thing that kept her hope alive.

One night, while we were talking about our childhoods and about raising
my daughter, I began to remember the fairy tales my mother told me
when I was a child. I came to realize something that I already knew...
reality isn't perfect, there will always be mountians to climb and problems
to face... there will always be differences of opinion and compromises to
make... but through it all, love can survive. More than anything I realized
that Shroud was the fairy tale I had been dreaming of my whole life.

Our wedding is another story entirely... it wasn't like a fairy tale at
all unless vampires have fairy tales. :) We were married on Halloween
and went as gothic vampires. It was a ton of fun, even for our family
members that were opposed to us getting married on Halloween.

This story isn't complete and never will be... we live our fairy tale every
day and even our tale has its own bit of tragedy which, I plan on telling
when I can find the words to express it. Thank you for taking the time to
read my rather... simple explanation of something so complex. :)

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Copyright © 1996-2000 by Kryson.
Graphics and midi by Kryson.
This page assembled on 11/29/99 by Kryson.
Last revision 12/2/99