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Win My Awards

I'm hoping to have many more awards here in the near future...

Just fill out the form below, pick which award you are
applying for, and I'll get back to you in a few days.

What is your name?

What is the name of your site?

URL of your site?

E-mail address?

Which award are you applying for?

Please give a brief description of your site.

Fairy Tales Graphics by Kryson Kryson's Poetry
Cassy's Page Adoptions and Gifts Awards I've Won
Win My Awards Special Thanks Favorite Links

Fairy Tales Do Come True
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Hits as of 12/1/99

Copyright © 1996-2000 by Kryson.
Graphics and midi by Kryson.
This page assembled on 11/27/99 by Kryson.
Last revision 12/30/99