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Cinderella's Cat Castle And Snoopy's Snooze & Snack Shack

Our Cinderella resembles the purrson in the left lower corner of this picture. She is a 18 pound grey tabby with a serious cattitude and sharp saber teeth. Why then, one might wonder, did we name her Cinderella?

Let me tell you her story....

NCE UPON A TIME I wished for a little kitten, a grey striped kitten. I called the local animal shelter and was overjoyed to find that such little kitten was waiting to be adopted. I rushed to see her and she meowed at me with the sweetest little voice. I held her and knew that I would take her home. I always loved fairy tales because fairy tales have happy endings, and the name Cinderella came to mind. Cinderella now rules our home (her castle) happily ever after .

This is where Cinderella's Knights live: Lord Smartie, a 4 year old AKC registered beagle, and Lord Rocky, a 4 year old terrier-mix. Rocky's and Smartie's main occupations are to snooze, snack and guard Princess Cinderella.

Let me tell you their story.....

NCE UPON A TIME we wished for a puppy, a cute and cuddly little beagle puppy. We found a good breeder and brought Smartie home at nine weeks. But the little beagle was so lonely and we soon thought of getting him a companion.

Four seasons passed and we went to visit relatives for X-Mas. On our long way back we stopped at a gas station and saw a little sad doggy. He was dirty and hungry and nobody there wanted him. We were afraid that a big truck, or car would run him over. We learned from the gas station attendent that the doggy had been deserted by his owner. It broke our heart to hear his story and we took him with us. We gave him food, a bath, a warm bed, a vet visit, and lots of love. We also taught him how to play ball and have fun. Rocky and Smartie are living happily ever after at Snoopy's Snooze & Snack Shack, loyally guarding their beloved Princess and her subjects (us).


Relax and treat yourself to some pet humor and wisdom in the Royal Library

Take a tour of Cinderella's Powderroom and admire her beauty at the Glamour Gallery

Meet Cinderella's knights at the Lord Smartie & Lord Rocky Photogallery

Let your cat, dog, or other kritters attend a ball, and meet Cinderella's special guests at the Ballroom

Take a walk in the beautiful Royal Garden

Most castles have ghosts but this castle has red monsters at the Red Monster Shack

Take a look at a very interesting N-scale model train project, and a MUST SEE picture of Cinderella

at the Royal Railroad Workshop

Find interesting websites at Favorite Links

Visit the great places that helped create this webpage at the Credit Page

Visit our friends' webpages at the Cyber Friends Page

Take a look at the awards that the subjects have won so far at the Awards Page

See beautiful, handbuilt, pottery at the Royal Pottery Gallery

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