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Have you ever considered that you might be crazy. Then this tour is designed just for you.

The tour is simple, yet complex.

It takes place in and around Chiang Mai, Thailand.

It consists of spending time with other crazy people.

We are not selling a holiday - we are providing something abstract - an experience.

You have a choice of how long you spend with each crazy person

You can stay as the guest of Brad and Cindy for two days, and work with Thai carpenters as they carve high quality furniture from old teak doors.

Or spend ten days in and around Chiang Mai, whilst taking part in a Tai Chi Course, to help you to improve control of mind and body.

Combine this with an evening town tour guided by Maurice, and a visit to The UP2U bar. Lucky people even get to be pub manager for a night.

Let us make a night for you which most people cannot even dream of.

Let Gary arrange a mini van, and a couple of hostesses, and driver, for a couple of days.

Spend a few days living with the Lahus, with Billy as your guide .

Or travel with David on a four day whistle stop tour of favourite places, discover during ten tears of wanderings.
 Or take longer or shorter at any place you fancy.

Choose the tap-houses or the temples, or anything in between.

Or stay at the Regent and watch the videos, so that you can go back home to tell your friends about Thailand.

We have no rules or uniforms, and there are no pre-set menus or transport arrangements.

The adventure unfolds as you experience it, dependent on your mood.

If you find you need a mood change, then there are many culture shocks in store for you.

We guarantee that you will feel differently about the world by the time you leave.

Just e-mail us with your needs, and we will respond with the answers, along with details of typical prices in Thailand, which will be your first pleasant surprise.

There are no glossy brochures, and no travel agents involved. Our computer does not have an automatic answering system, and when we are not there, the phone and fax are not answered.
Just drop us a line stating your preferred dates, and preferences of adventure.

E-mail  The Robin Hood Tour Cooperation for a rapid response:-

Please send mail to:-

 David G. West

or use the traditional method of sea or air mail, and hope for a response within a few weeks.
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 Look at Billy's Hideaway page
 Look at The Robin Hood Bugle
 Robin's book of truths (humour)
 So what does it all mean?