A jackdaw settling on the house - an omen of death
In some cultures, a jackdaw on the roof - a new arrival
Seeing one jackdaw - bad omen
Greek legend
Christian Legend
Seeing a kingfisher - good luck
Wearing kingfisher feathers - promotes the beauty of a woman by magic
Ladybird (ladybug)
Landing on you - very good luck
Landing on your hand - Good weather
Number of spots - number of happy months ahead
Direction after it leaves your person - the direction from which your future love will come
First lamb of spring (black) - good omen
First lambs of spring (twin white) - excellent fortune
Lapwing (peewit)
The call of the lapwing - 'bewitched bewitched'
Seeing a lapwing - bad omen
Eating three larks' eggs - improvement of voice
Disturbing a lark's peace or nest - curse
Pointing at a lark - a whitlow will appear on the finger
information sources:
"Dictionary of superstitions" by David Pickering
"The encuclopedia of superstitions" by Christina Hole