Kari is 8 years old and in the 2nd grade. Some of her favorite things are Barbies, Stuffed Animals and the Spice Girls! She's a happy little girl
who loves the color purple, and she always makes me smile.
She's just started reading alot and is enjoying books
like "The Babysitters Club" and "The Sleepover Club."
It seems to me that she's grown up overnight. I can remember when
she was learning to walk! Kari was the last of the kids I took care of,
who went to school full time. So we spent alot of time together.
In fact, Kari even ended up going to a few of my college classes
with me. If she starts showing tendencies towards Desktop
Publishing in a few years, we'll know whos to blame!
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Email: jenntheiceprincess@yahoo.com