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Scenes 14 - 17

Okie dokie, these scenes are pretty lame…small, I meant small. As you can see…

Sc14: Mike and Matt are lying in their bunkbeds chatting away
MIKE: So why didn't you just tell her you saw what she did and that you thought it would be best for her conscience if she gave the woman her money back.
MATT: Coz, then she would've thought I was a wanker.
MIKE: Don't you think she already knows that?
MATT: (throws his pillow at Mike) Shut up! Why does she do that? She's already a millionaire...
MIKE: Matt, she's a good for nothing scumbag, okay? Now are we gonna talk about this all night long?
MATT: What? It's only been a couple of minutes...
MIKE: It's 2 in the morning...and you started blabbing away last night at 11 when you got home.
MATT: No way.
MIKE: Yes shut up! Oh and thanx for the extra pillow.
Mike goes to sleep and starts snoring. Matt twitches at every snore. Finally he gets to sleep.

Sc15: Mike is still asleep. Matt jogs into the room.
MATT: Hey get out of bed sleepy head.
MIKE: What time is it?
MATT: It's 8 o'clock and it's a beautiful spring day.
MIKE: Go away.
MATT: But Mike, I have to tell you what I just did...hey wake up...Mike!
Mike throws Matt's pillow at him
MATT: Yeah, thanx for giving it to me now. Anyway, guess what guess what guess what!!
MIKE: (sleepily) What?
MATT: Hey, you have to guess.
MIKE: You ran over to Renee's house, climbed into her room to give her brekkie in bed and she nearly shot your head off.
MATT: And?
MIKE: And...she ate your brekkie anyway.
MATT: Hey, you're good.
MIKE: Matt...guess what I'm gonna do if you don't piss off.
MATT: Um...ooh...this is a tricky one...there are so many things to choose from...uh...I'm my heart out and...put it in a doggy bag!!
MIKE: Good get out!
Matt edges out of the room and runs downstairs. He opens the door to find Claire patiently waiting outside.
MATT: Can I help you?
CLAIRE: Well, I figured since your grandma sounds like such a wonderful person...I might as well meet her...and give you moral support.
MATT: Ah's strictly a family thing mum'll chuck a spaz if she finds out I've been dating.
Matt's mum comes along
MOTHER: And just what will I chuck a spaz about? Ooh, and who is your new friend?
MATT: This is Claire. Claire this is my mum.
CLAIRE: Hi Mrs Macray. I'm really sorry about your mother.
MOTHER: I'm sorry what?
MATT: Uh, nothing, nothing. Mum I think Dad's calling you. And he's out the back. Yes...out the back.
MOTHER: Oh then, it was nice meeting you Claire.
Matt walks a little with his mum
MOTHER: Ooh, she's a cute little thing isn't she dear?
MATT: Yes of course. Cute. Thing. Little. Whatever. Byeeee!
Matt walks back to Claire.
MATT: She's emotionally unstable. Uh anyway, we're about to leave but I'll send my grandma your regards. Bye!
Matt closes the door.
MATT: (VO: (like a baby crying) Waaaaaah. Waaaaah) Oh shut up.
Matt starts walking to the backyard

Sc16: Matt drives up to the part of the wall he dropped Renee off at the night before. Matt waits for a while then a bag is tossed over the wall and then Renee jumps over. She walks to the car.
RENEE: You ready to go?
MATT: Ready when you are.
RENEE: Cool.
Renee dumps her bag in and climbs in. Matt drives off
MATT: You aren't gonna make me go on the Space Probe thing are you?
RENEE: That's one of the best rides there. Everyone goes on Space Probe 7.
MATT: (quietly) I was afraid of that.

Sc17: Josh and Claire are walking out of the Space Probe 7 line
CLAIRE: I can't believe he blew me off.
JOSH: (VO: Oh, I really wanted to go on Space Probe 7) Well it is his grandma.
CLAIRE: So? That's no excuse.
JOSH: And what about Renee blowing me off? I mean, what is this thing she always talks about...her (says in a stupid voice)"monthly friend". What the hell is that?
Claire whispers into Josh's ear
JOSH: Oh...
They walk I silence...
JOSH: So how's your cat?
CLAIRE: I don't have a cat. Renee does.
They walk around silently again. Josh is about to open his gob when suddenly Claire spots who she thinks is Matt.
CLAIRE: Oh my God. That son of a bitch! Come on.
Claire drags Josh to where Matt seems to be.
CLAIRE: Oh I am gonna kill him...
Claire walks up behind him and pushes him
CLAIRE: Hey! You're supposed be with your grandma in Greenland...What's that all about?
The guy gets up but it's not Matt.
GUY: Whaddaya mean what's that all about? What's this all about? I don't know what your problem is lady...oh, I're surfing the crimson wave, eh? Look, just keep your ickiness to yourself, okay?
They guy walks away as Claire stands there in disbelief
CLAIRE: I could've sworn that was...
As Claire stands there with Josh comforting her Matt and Renee walk right behind them towards Space Probe 7
MATT: Do I have to do this? I mean we just went on the Demon...
RENEE: If you ever want to see me again...
MATT: (pouts) Well alrighty then.
They walk into the line. Claire turns around and sees him.
CLAIRE: Is, couldn't be. He's too much of a gentleman to lie to me.
JOSH:CLAIRE: Whatever.
Josh happily walks towards the line. Claire walks a little behind him confused.
CLAIRE: I could've sworn...

Scenes 18 - 21

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