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Scenes 18 - 21

Fun fun fun for the whole family

Sc18: Matt is driving Renee home
MATT: Did you see Claire there?
RENEE: No why?
MATT: I thought I saw her chucking a spaz at some guy.
RENEE: She always chucks a anybody.
MATT: (confused) So...she might've been there.
RENEE: Probably. She likes going there too.
MATT: But I told her I was visiting my Greenland! I don't even know anybody in Greenland.
RENEE: Look, she'd trust you. So you can lie to her all you want. (Smiles) Anyway, this is my stop. Thanx a bunch for taking me. I really appreciate it.
Renee gets out and throws her bag over. She turns around and waves at Matt who waves back. Then she jumps over. Matt smiles for a moment then begins to drive away. He looks down at his CD collection and notices...
MATT: (VO: Hey, where's my Spiceworld CD? No way...couldn't have...could she?)

Sc19: Matt is on the phone to Renee in his bedroom. He's red in the face from screaming
MATT: (screaming) How could you take my Spiceworld CD?!? That was my favourite CD!! (VO: Mmmmmm Sporty) Why?! WHY?!
RENEE: Hey don't get so testy. I didn't even know you liked the Spice Girls! (VO: He likes the Spice Girls?)
MATT: You stealing money from innocent women, that I can handle...but my Spiceworld CD? Are you just doing this to make me cry? Coz it's working!
RENEE: Whoa whoa whoa wait a've been spying on me? I knew there was a side to you. I knew you were too good to be true. I didn't take your CD. You're just gonna have to believe me...if you still can.
Renee hangs up. Matt's about to slam his portable phone then's a portable phone. So he presses the button. Mike is standing in the doorway
MIKE: I told you she was nothing but bad luck. Geez, for you she'd be more convincing with the horns and the pointy tale.
MATT: Okay, she is not a cow.
Mike is about to correct him then decides he doesn't care. Mike leaves the room.
MATT: (VO: How could she steal it? Though, maybe she's telling the truth...that'd be a first...)
Matt jumps onto his bed and buries his face in his pillow. He hears a crack. He looks under his pillow to find his Spiceworld CD.
MATT: But...(VO: Idiot! How could you forget you always sleep with it? Now you've lost our one true love...) It's not my fault. It's you who jumped to conclusions. I just do what you tell me to do. (VO: Just shut up and make it up to Renee...dickhead.) Pissant. (VO: Oh yeah, good comeback.) Shut up.
Matt dials Renee's number. Renee picks up
MATT: (puts on a fake accent) Uh, hey there, is this Renee?
RENEE: Yeah, why? Who is this?
MATT: Uh, I am a close friend of Matt's and I just want to tell you he's really sorry about that whole...incident...and wants to...well...say he's sorry...whaddaya say?
RENEE: Put him on.
Matt pretends to shuffle around
MATT: (real voice) Renee? Honey, I'm sooooo sorry.
RENEE: I just wanted you to put the real you on. That accent was terrible. Oh and you can stick your sorries up Claire's ass.
MATT: I don't think there'd be enough room.
RENEE: Trust me...she can fit a whole hour of gas up there.
MATT: (screws up his face) That's disgusting...please forgive me.
RENEE: Oh, let me think about
Renee hangs up. Matt sits on his bed.
MATT: (VO: You're just gonna have to prove yourself to her.) I know that! (VO: Of course you know that. I am you. Remember?) Okay, now you're just getting annoying. Asswipe. (VO: Bunghole.) Anus. (VO: Cantaloupe.)
Matt's about to retaliate but thinks about what he just said. He looks really confused. He lies down confused.

Sc20: Renee and Claire are at Macquarie coming out of the cinemas. Matt slowly trails behind keeping his distance
CLAIRE: See? I told you I had him hooked.
RENEE: Of course...why don't ya just go and talk to him so I can go home?
CLAIRE: And give him the satisfaction know...that...
RENEE: I have no idea what you're dribbling on about...
CLAIRE: Look, if I make him wait...he'll want me soooooooo much more. I learnt that from you.
RENEE: Me? What, with Josh?
CLAIRE: Yeah. Don't ya see it? You push him away and he runs back. You punch his lights out and he comes back for more. It's quite amazing.
RENEE: And you reckon it would work with Matt?
CLAIRE: If it works for you, it'll definitely work for me...and if not...well, I'll punch his lights out and see what happens.
RENEE: Good plan. So, you're sure he's over me?
CLAIRE: Of course, why just yesterday he called me and spilled his guts...he was crying his eyes out...I couldn't understand a word he was saying but I think his grandma died. I mean, what else would he cry about?
RENEE: Yeah, must've been his grandma. (Smiles)
CLAIRE: You're glad she's dead?
RENEE: Well, she is my rival, isn't she?
CLAIRE: I're weird.
RENEE: Shut up!
Renee hits Claire. Matt is about to come up to them, but decides not to
MATT: (VO: How can I face her? I blamed her for a crime she didn't even commit?) She must hate me (VO: Of course she hates you...that's why she's not talking to you...Geez, I don't know how I put up with you.) Will you just shut up!
Everyone in Macquarie looks at Matt weirdly
MATT: (VO: Maybe if I stand still no one will notice me.
Matt stands straight and tall like a statue. Everyone walks past staring at him
RENEE: (VO: My God, he is an idiot.)

Sc21: Renee is lying on her bed listening to Blur (Song 2 playing loudly) outside dogs are barking like crazy then suddenly they stop. Renee thinks nothing of it. Then through her white curtain a figure is seen climbing over her railing slowly. It flops itself onto her balcony.
MATT: Renee?
Renee doesn't answer.
MATT: I know you're in there...I can hear your favourite song...and I can see you through this curtain.
RENEE: So why don't you just come through?
MATT: Coz I've got crap on my hands and don't wanna get it dirty.
RENEE: (sarcastic) You're so considerate.
MATT: Thank you.
RENEE: What did you do to my dogs?
MATT: Nothing bad. They just seemed really hungry so I gave them a big slab of meat...and my shirt...but only coz I decided to give it to them.
Renee starts to walk to the balcony
MATT: Don't come any closer...I'm not decent!
Renee continues walking to the balcony. She takes her camera. Once on the balcony she quickly takes his picture then puts the camera away.
MATT: Hey!
RENEE: Don't worry, I won't make that many copies.
MATT: (gladly) Oh. (thinks for a while) No wait...does this mean I'm forgiven?
RENEE: Not necessarily. Can you do me a favour?
MATT: Will I be forgiven?
RENEE: You'll just have to wait and see.
MATT: Fine what?
RENEE: All I want you to do is lean against the railing.
MATT: Okay
Matt leans against the railing
RENEE: (quietly) Now close your eyes...
Matt closes them
RENEE: Now think happy thoughts.
Matt smiles. Renee walks over to him and touches his lips with her fingertips. Then she pushes him over the railing to the dogs. Barking goes up and Matt runs in despair to the wall screaming like a little school girl. Renee goes back to her room.

Scenes 22 - 25