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Scenes 22 - 25

I can't even be botheed to say anything worthwhile...not that I have been…

Sc22: Renee is at Claire's house in her room playing Tomb Raider. Claire gets up.
CLAIRE: I gotta go!
Claire runs out. Renee waits for a while then gets up. She takes out an envelope reading CLAIRE and checks the contents. Inside is the photo of Matt and a letter from Matt. She shoves it near Claire's diary and sits down again. She continues playing Tomb Raider.

Sc23: Matt is sleeping. He wakes to find Claire sitting ontop of him. He screams from fright, chucks a spaz and falls off the bed. Claire falls still ontop of him.
MATT: (VO: This can't be safe. I'm about as safe as a bug in a baby's butt.)
CLAIRE: Awww, you're cute when you're topless and when you sleep!
MATT: What?
CLAIRE: You! You're cute.
MATT: How have you seen me topless?
CLAIRE: Wow, you said you were drunk but I didn't think you'd be that drunk!
CLAIRE: (holds up the letter) This.
MATT: What's that?
CLAIRE: This is the letter that accompanied this. (holds up the photo)
Matt screams like a little schoolgirl
MATT: How did you get that?
CLAIRE: Silly, you gave it to me so I'd have something to look forward to after tonight!
MATT: (dazed and confused) What?
CLAIRE: Wow, you were drunk. Here (hands him the letter) read it yourself.
Matt looks over the letter. It's the one he gave Renee when he thought it was her birthday only Renee's name is covered by newspaper cuttings saying CLAIRE.
CLAIRE: It says how you'd take me out for a stroll through Centennial Park, then for lunch at...well...KFC, but it's okay, I like greasy lunches. Then a movie and a stroll along the beach to see the sunset and dinner at a really swanky restaurant. What can I say, except for-I accept?
Matt stays down
MATT: Uh, y' guess I was really, really drunk coz...I could've sworn I gave that to...uh...
CLAIRE: Gave it to who? Are you having an affair?
MATT: No, no! (VO: Not anymore.) It's just...I' really bad hangover.
CLAIRE: (strokes Matt's hair) Aw, there there dear. Tell ya what! We'll just spend the day here and I'll nurse you back to better health.
MATT: Uh...that sounds...great.

Sc24: Mike walks past Matt's room. Inside Claire is lying on Matt's bed, face down, and Matt is above her giving her a massage. Mike backtracks and looks in. Matt looks back and shrugs. Mike continues walking. Matt continues massaging.

Sc25: Renee is bike riding at Centennial Park. Matt walks past her realises it's her then starts to follow her
MATT: Y'know, that was very cruel what you did the other day or whenever you planted that stupid letter. I had to give her a massage for 5 hours straight. My hand was cramping for 5 hours!
RENEE: (continues riding) You deserved it.
MATT: (running after Renee) Whaddaya mean I deserved that? I know I deserved something but not that! I mean, I've said I was sorry, I've admitted I was wrong...what more can I do?
RENEE: You can leave me alone. Will you just get the picture-don't you dare take that literally-and get lost!
MATT: you.
RENEE: Good for you, now go away.
Renee rides faster but Matt just runs faster
RENEE: Will you just give up?
MATT: My heart won't let me...
RENEE: Well, here's what I think of your heart.
Renee kicks Matt into a tree and she rides away. Matt falls down clutching his heart. Renee notices how Matt stays down. He is in obvious pain. She rides back.
RENEE: What's up with you?
MATT: I was born with a hole in my heart...I was gonna get it operated on later...but I think...I'm gonna have to...
Matt blanks out. Renee stands still for a while, shrugs then calls an ambulance on her mobile.

Scenes 26 & 27