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Scenes 26 & 27

Ok these 2 are pretty damn boring but nevertheless read them coz…you just should…

Sc26: Matt wakes up in hospital. His parents, Mike and Claire are watching him.
MOTHER: Sweetie, are you alright?
MATT: Yeah, I guess.
FATHER: You'll be glad to know...the operation was successful. You just gotta rest a little for a while.
MOTHER: We'll be outside if you need us.
His parents leave
MIKE: Geez Matt, blanking out in the middle of Centennial Park? You are so lame.
CLAIRE: (hits Mike) Don't be mean.
MIKE: Aw, come on...he blanked out in a park.
CLAIRE: That is a point...
A babelicious nurse walks past the room
MIKE: Would you excuse me, I think I left my wallet outside.
Mike runs outs towards the nurse
CLAIRE: So what's wrong with ya?
MATT: Hole in my heart.
CLAIRE: (uninterested) Wow...that must suck.
MATT: Yeah, how'd I get here?
CLAIRE: The doctors say some girl rang an ambulance but wasn't there when they picked you up.
MATT: Oh. When do I get out?
CLAIRE: In a couple of days...then you get to have me taking care of you!
MATT: Joy...
A doctor walks in
DOC: Well Mr. Macray. You're lucky we got to you when we did. That hole was leaking like crazy when we got to you. You're very lucky.
MATT: Who found me?
DOC: We don't know.
MATT: Why not?
DOC: We just don't know. Now, you seem healthy enough...
MATT: What kind of a girl found me? Was she a brunette?
DOC: We can't distinguish that from a phone call. Look...
MATT: Did anyone see who called the ambulance?
DOC: No, now...
MATT: Are you sure?
DOC: (agitated) Look, I give up. I just don't care anymore.
The doctor angrily walks away
CLAIRE: What do you care who found you?
MATT: I just wanna know if...well...who I can thank, basically. I mean, I owe her my life.
CLAIRE: Yeah, I guess so. Anyway, you try to get some rest, I'll be right here by your side.
Matt slowly dozes off.

Sc27: It's night-time. Matt wakes up. He looks around the room. Outside Claire is chatting with the doctor. She scribbles down the doctor's number. The two continue talking and walk away. Matt's parents are asleep. Mike is nowhere to be seen. Suddenly a hand covers Matt's mouth. He tries to scream but it's hopeless. Whoever it was, they were strong. He looked up and was staring into Renee's eyes. She motions for him to shut up and he obeys. She walks over and closes the door. She walks back and sits down. They start whispering.
MATT: (quietly) It was you wasn't it?
RENEE: And so what if it was.
MATT: I knew you cared. I knew it!
RENEE: Look, don't get so worked up about it. All I did was dial the same number thrice...nothing much.
MATT: You saved my life.
RENEE: I nearly took it.
MATT: I love you.
RENEE: I know. And I'm grateful but this obsession thing of yours is getting out of control. We can never be. Plain and simple.
MATT: I wanna prove that wrong. I'll always love you.
RENEE: You hardly know me. And you only know the bad parts of me.
MATT: And yet I still care.
RENEE: Can we stop with all this mushy stuff?
MATT: Whatever.
RENEE: Don't you ever get sick of it all?
RENEE: Well I do.
MATT: (shrugs) Too bad, you ain't never getting rid of me.
RENEE: I was afraid of that.
MATT: Wait a minute, if you don't care about me, why d'ya come here?
RENEE: (VO: I never said I didn't care) I wanted to make sure I didn't waste 20c on a phone call.
MATT: But emergency calls are free.
RENEE: Oh, so I can go? All right bye.
MATT: No, don't go.
RENEE: I have to. My kickboxing lesson starts in an hour.
MATT: So cancel.
RENEE: I can't. (stands up) See ya later.
Renee starts walking away
MATT: You're gonna let me see you later?
RENEE: Nope, I just know nothing can stop you from getting past our guard dogs.
Renee leaves. Mike walks in
MIKE: What was that all about?
MATT: She was the one who called the ambulance.
MIKE: (surprised) Her? She called the ambulance? I would've thought she'd have left you to die.
MATT: I guess you sussed her out wrong. She does have a heart.

Scenes 28 - 31