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Scenes 28 - 31

Sc28: Renee is sitting on her bed looking at the photo of Matt. Dogs bark, then stop and Matt climbs over the railing. Renee isn't surprised. Matt walks into her room.
MATT: (suspiciously) I thought you gave that to Claire.
RENEE: I got another one and was about to deface it.
Renee bends over to her permanent marker.
MATT: Oh, anyway, I got out yesterday.
RENEE: Yay for you.
Renee's father walks in
FATHER: Renee, Josh has been playing hide and seek for the last half hour. He won't get out of the linen basket and...what the hell is he doing here?
RENEE: Uh, I dunno daddy, he just came in and wouldn't go away.
FATHER: Harassing my daughter are you? Well, (shouts outside to his wife) Kim, get me my rifle. We got us a Macray intruder.
MATT: (freaked out) (VO: Uh oh.)
Matt runs out and jumps off the balcony
FATHER: Don't worry honey, daddy will dispose of this pesky bastard.
RENEE: Thank you daddy.
Kim runs in with the rifle. Renee's dad runs out to the balcony and starts shooting like crazy. Someone yelping in pain is heard then silence.
FATHER: Eat lead you son of a bitch. Well, one down, three to go. (Walks back into Renee's room) There, the bad man's gone. Now get Josh out of my linen.
RENEE: (stunned) Yes daddy.
Renee gets up and walks out looking back at the balcony

Sc29: Renee is walking around in her backyard. Guards are running rampant. Renee stops one
RENEE: What's going on?
1st GUARD: Your father's ordered s to find the Macray boy.
2nd GUARD: Over here!
Everyone rushes over to the wall. All the guards, Renee and her father look in the hole near the wall. Inside the deep hole a thing with slashed, bloody clothes is seen.
FATHER: Bury him.
2nd GUARD: Right away sir.
The guards move away to get shovels
FATHER: Good riddance, eh love?
RENEE: Yeah, good riddance.
They walk away. The guards return and start burying him.

Sc30: Mike is driving around in Matt's BMW. Suddenly he sees Matt waving him over. Matt's standing behind a bush in his undies.
MIKE: Matt?
MATT: Who else?
MIKE: What happened to you? Your parents think the Walshe's have kidnapped ya.
MATT: More like tried to shoot me.
Matt steps from behind the bush, his leg is bloody
MIKE: Geez, Mr. Walshe's aim is getting a little crappy, eh?
MATT: Just get me to a hospital, okay?
MIKE: Yeah, yeah.
Matt jumps in and Mike speeds away

Sc31: Mike is helping Matt limp home with his bandaged leg. His parents are overjoyed and run outside.
MOTHER: Oh baby (hugs Matt) we were so worried.
FATHER: What did those Walshe's do to you.
MATT: Nothing, some dickhead shot me.
FATHER: How, where?
MOTHER: What does that matter?
FATHER: I wanna know.
MATT: I was just at a club, minding my own business, and suddenly someone started shooting at me. I ran like hell but he still got me.
FATHER: It was a Walshe wasn't it.
MOTHER: Honey, don't rush to conclusions.
MATT: No, it wasn't dad.
FATHER: don't have to protect that bastard. If he shot at you, he deserves to have the shit kicked out of him.
MOTHER: Honey, that foul mouth stuff is what started this whole business between us and the Walshes in the first place.
FATHER: You shut up, woman. Now go in that kitchen and make me some pie!
MOTHER: (shouting) Don't you 'woman' me you snot nosed little bastard!
FATHER: Don't scream at me you stupid bitch!
MOTHER: I can scream at you if I want to you fucking (long, long, long beep)
FATHER: (whimpering) Yes ma'am.
MOTHER: (turns to Matt) Oh, and it's good that you're back, dear.
Matt's parents walk back into the house. His mother is abusing his father every step of the way. Then they start screaming at each other again. Matt and Mike look at each other. Matt's father is heard yelping. They run/limp to the door
MIKE: That's a funny place to get a bayonet stuck.

Scenes 32 - 36