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Scenes 7 - 9

Now here's scenes 7 - 9 yay for me you know the rest I'm getting bored…

Sc7: Matt is sitting in his room on his bed. Next to him all over his wall are millions of photos of Renee. Above them is a rolled up poster. Someone knocks on the door
FATHER: Matt, someone's here to see you. Matt?
Matt quickly lets down the poster which completely covers the photos as his father walks into his room
FATHER: One of your friends are here!!
MATT: What friends?
FATHER: Some girl.
MATT: Renee?
FATHER: Renee? The Walshe bitch? No, no, no, no, no. Someone called Claire. She said it's urgent.
Matt rushes downstairs where Claire is waiting patiently
MATT: (quietly as his dad walks away) You're Renee's friend right?
CLAIRE: Yeah, yeah, yeah, Renee's friend. Anyway, she wanted me to give you this letter.
MATT: (excitedly) She wrote me a letter? Let me see, let me see.
Matt yanks the letter away and reads it. His smile fades into oblivion
MATT: I don't understand.
CLAIRE: Look, she doesn't like you and she thinks we'd be great together
MATT: But...
CLAIRE: Just shut up and take me somewhere fancy.
MATT: (sadly) Whatever.
Claire grabs his hand and takes him to his BMW
CLAIRE: Wow, I've never ridden in a BMW before. Would you drive me somewhere?
MATT: I guess. Are you sure that's what Renee wants?
CLAIRE: Are you calling me a liar?
MATT: No, it's just that...
CLAIRE: Look, I'm her best friend right?
Matt nods
CLAIRE: So I'd know exactly what she wants and doesn't want, right?
MATT: I guess so.
CLAIRE: So let's go.
Claire hops into the BMW. Matt slowly gets in and revs up the engine. As he starts to drive off, Claire waves her arms happily
CLAIRE: (VO: Excellent.) (smiles)

Sc8: Claire is on the phone talking to Renee
CLAIRE: Then he took me to General Pants, then Good Vibrations-I have so many board shorts now- then to Wendy's to get an ice cream. Oh, he is so sweet.
RENEE: So I take it you had fun today.
CLAIRE: Yuh huh.
RENEE: So he's totally in, love with you right?
CLAIRE: Of course, hey, it's me we're talking about. No man can resist me
RENEE: So why is it, he sent me a dozen roses-fully stemmed here-asking for another chance? And what's this about a letter I wrote him?
CLAIRE: Oh that, well, you see, he has it all in his silly little head that you wrote him a letter saying you weren't interested.
RENEE: And when did I do this?
CLAIRE: Don't you remember, that time we were on the phone?
RENEE: You're gonna have to narrow it down a little more than that.
CLAIRE: Look you just did okay? Okay. So, how's life treating you?
RENEE: Don't change the subject. You wrote him that note didn't you?
CLAIRE: Hey, you don't even like him so why should it matter?
RENEE: That is a point. Just tell him to stop sending me flowers. He makes me wanna puke with all this lovey dovey crap.
CLAIRE: Your wish is my command. So, how's Josh?
RENEE: (proudly) I made him run into a tree! Twice!
CLAIRE: Well done.
RENEE: Thank you.

Sc9: Claire and Matt are out shopping at Broadway. Claire is buzzing into every store with Matt, carrying millions of bags, slowly eases his way in. Claire goes into General Pants. She checks every single item.
MATT: Are you sure Renee wants all of these for her birthday.
CLAIRE: Of course I'm sure. Why do you ask?
MATT: I dunno...
CLAIRE: (defensively) Are you calling me a liar? Is that it? Huh? Is that it?
MATT: No, no. It's just...
CLAIRE: It's just what? (gives him an evil look)
MATT: Nothing.
CLAIRE: Oh and stop sending her roses. She said they make her puke.
MATT: (confused) She eats them?
CLAIRE: (annoyed) Yes she eats them! Coz she's a freak! Anymore dumb questions?
CLAIRE: Well then...(turns to shop assistant) do you have this in a smaller size?
MATT: Isn't Renee bigger than...
Matt slinks back as Claire tries on the pants

Scenes 10 - 13

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