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Scenes 13-15!!

Ok impatient pplz, here is da lovely scenes 13…and 14 and what a surprise…there's 15 here as well…yeah anywayz…

Scene 13: (DIFFERENT PEOPLE by NO DOUBT) Ruby runs around until she sees across the street a Help Wanted sign on a window for Peter's Pleasure Palace
Ruby: (VO: What will they think of next?)

Ruby runs across the road, steps in a ditch, squeals in pain, hobbles across into the café, staggers to the counter and flops herself onto a chair

Waitress: Can I help you?
Ruby: (sits there holding her ankle)…I saw…the sign at the…argh…window.
Waitress: Oh, um, I'll get my boss.
She goes back into a little room at the back and returns with some guy

Boss: So, you wanna work here, huh?
Ruby: Well…
Boss: Shh, do you have any experience in waitressing?
Ruby: Do you have an ice pack?
Boss: Oh, you hurt your poor, little leg. TOO BAD! You gotta walk for this job.
Ruby: But…
Boss: Look, it doesn't look like you have any experience and it doesn't look like you're gonna buy anything so get out!
Ruby gets up and starts hobbling away stopping now and then and looking back

Waitress: Why don't you give her a chance, boss? Look at her, poor thing.
Boss: Well, if she stuffs up she's out of here and so are you.
Waitress: Hey kid!
Ruby turns around

Waitress: You start tonight!
Ruby: Yes!!

Scene 14: While Ruby is reading a newspaper (Headline: Famous agent adopts kid, with picture of MJC), MJC walks in with her adopted kid Kristobell. Ruby serves them.
Ruby: Welcome to Peter's Pleasure Palace. I'm Ruby. How may I serve you?

Kris whispers to MJC

Kris: Am I the only one totally turned off?
MJC: Pen and paper might help.
Ruby: Oh. (Ruby takes out her pen and pad) Now, what would you like to order?
MJC: I'll just have water and Kristobell will have a pepsi.
Ruby writes it down but it accidentally flips her pad on MJC's face

Ruby: Uh, sorry.
Ruby picks up the pad and writes the order down then leaves. Many people who want to be actors rush up to MJC but they're all turned away

Kris: Next time you're wearing the sunnies and the cap.
MJC: (pushes the crowd away) Oh yeah.
Ruby comes back with the drinks but trips and spills it all on MJC and Kris. Ruby's boss rushes out while Kris sits there licking her face and MJC wipes herself with a napkin

Boss: You idiot (huge vain bulging out of his head) How can you do that? Do you know who this is? She's our most important customer!
Everyone in the café looks at him angrily

Boss: Uh, anyway. You're fired!!
Ruby: Hey, I don't need this okay. I didn't picture myself serving coffee to people with egos bigger than their ass. I have dreams.
MJC: Oh dear God.
Ruby: And I believe in them so you can take this job and…fill it cos I quit! No wait, you fired me. That way I can still get money from the dole!
Ruby starts walking towards the door. Kris runs to her

Kris: Ruby, hey, I just wanna tell you somethin'.
Ruby: (uninterested) I'm listening
Kris: That speech touched me in a way I'd never imagined, and which way to the can?
Ruby points to the back

Kris: Thanks. SIT DOWN WITH MY MUM!!
Kris speeds off and Ruby nervously sits down with MJC. For a while nothing happens

MJC: So, you have dreams. What kind of dreams?
Ruby: You've heard it all before.
MJC: Ah, you wannabe an actress.
Ruby: Yeah, how'd you…forget it.
Kris plonks herself back down

Kris: Phew, well, I'm glad you told me where to go otherwise…
Ruby's eyes widen

Kris: So, what'd you gals talk about?
MJC: (whispers to Kris) She wants to be an actress.
Kris: Ah, an actress in the making are you. (Kris takes out a notebook and starts writing) Do you have any experience?
MJC: Hey that's my job. D'ya have any experience?
Ruby: No. If I did do you think I'd be a waitress?
Kris: Okay (Kris passes the notebook to MJC who reads-Youthful, full of energy, possible talent, funny smell (though that could be me) has potential. MJC nods and writes-Whaddaya mean funny smell?) Well, I like you already. Of course I'm not a famous agent who give inexperienced smelly people a chance.
Kris looks at MJC

MJC: Oh, fine. Meet me here (hands Ruby a card) at 9 tomorrow. Don't be late.
Ruby: Oh, thank you. I can't believe this!
MJC: Neither can I.
MJC and Kris walk out and immediately get picked up by a limo

Scene 15: Ruby is in what looks like a waiting room. Hopeful young wannabes sit nervously and twitch. Ruby goes to the front desk. Nearby is a sign saying: "Do you want to be an actor? Well now you can! Just sign up for the next 50 years and we might get you on a commercial. The choice is there. Here today. Gone tomorrow."
Ruby: Hi, I'm Ruby Walsh. MJC told me to come.
Secretary: Yes, I know. 9 o'clock, she's waiting for you.

The secretary points to a door. Ruby goes in

MJC: Ruby. Hi, how've you been?
Ruby: Considering I'm flat broke and just sold my car, not so good.
MJC: You had a car?
Ruby: (hangs her head in shame) No.
MJC: Well, all that's gonna change. Can you show me what you can do. Y'know anything. Impersonations, gyrations, anything.
Ruby: Romeo, Romeo, where for art thou Romeo…Show me the money…You want the truth, you can't handle the truth!
MJC: That's…nice, um. I have a script that's just arrived. I think you'll like it.
Ruby takes the script. On the cover it reads Daylight 5.5 Ruby flips through

MJC: So, d'ya wanna give it a try?
Ruby: At this stage, I'm willing to give anything a try.
MJC: (grins) Good. I have a feeling I'm gonna like you.
Ruby gets a disgusted look on her face

Ruby: So am I going to the audition?
MJC: Yup. (Writes down an address on a piece of paper) Read the script and if you like it go here (hands Ruby the paper) on Tuesday at 10am. All right?
Ruby: Yeah, thanks!
Ruby rushes out of the office dancing around. Another wannabe goes into MJC's office. MJC hands her the script for Daylight 5.5

MJC: I think you'd be perfect for the part.

Scenes 16-19

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I wanna go HOME!!