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Scenes 27-30

Now you're gonna read scenes 27-30, still short and stupid but still, it's all good. Now go, go read


Scene 27: Ruby runs out of her mansion to her BMW convertible. Billy runs after her.
Billy: Ruby, there's something I've been meaning to tell you. I meant to see you when you had returned but I was knocked unconscious and taken to the hospital for a week.
Ruby: Ooh, Billy there's something I gotta tell you! I met this really sweet guy in New York and best of all-he lives in LA!!
Billy: Oh.
Ruby: Anyway, what were you gonna tell me?
Billy: Oh nothing…have fun with Bec.
Ruby: Thanx…we're just gonna have coffee…Anyway, if a guy called Jeremy calls, take a message… don't tell him to bugger off…but anyone else-yes.
Billy: Right. Bye.
Ruby: See ya later.
Ruby jumps into her car and speeds off. She swerves into a parking space near a café where Bec is patiently waiting.

Bec: I took the liberty of ordering for ya.
Ruby: Thanx Bec.
Ruby and Rebecca start drinking coffee in the café

Ruby: Hey, Bec, have you ever had the urge to try something different?
Bec: Ever since that plane crash scare you always want to try something different. You've gone sky diving, bungee jumping…all in one day…what next? Look, if it makes you happy, I'm drinking decaf today. I don't usually!
Ruby: Coffee without caffeine. Beer without alcohol. Geez, what's next? Bridal suites with bunk beds?
Bec: You need to get out more.
Ruby: Hey, you're out of work right?
Bec: You don't have to rub it in.
Ruby: What I'm saying is, I saw this ad yesterday.
Bec: (sarcastically) Oh, oh my GOD!! You're sooo lucky.
Ruby: (VO: Twit.) No. No, no. It was an ad saying there's an opening for anyone who wants to try out the modeling business.
Bec: I dunno Ruby.
Ruby: Come on. It'll be fun. And there's big bucks involved!
Bec: (innocently) Who's Big Bucks?
Ruby stares at her
Bec: Oh.
Ruby: C'mon.
Ruby yanks Bec out of her seat and literally drags her down the street, round the corner, down an alley and into a secluded place

Ruby and Bec stare at a brightly lit colourful room with men and women running around and young hopefuls sitting in a corner. Ruby and Bec shrug and walk to the front desk

Ruby: Um, we're here because we saw an ad for…
Secretary: Just sit there and fill out these applications.
The secretary hands them some papers and they go sit down helping each other to fill it out. Then they give it to the secretary who smirks. They go back and sit down. They watch as one by one the other hopefuls walk in and out obviously being rejected

Secretary: Ruby Walsh. You're up.
Ruby gets up and casually walks in. After a while she walks out then starts dancing about

Ruby: Hey Bec, you're next.
Bec nervously walks in. Then walks out nearly in tears

Ruby: Bec, are you okay?
Bec: I knew this was a bad idea. I rejected by everyone. It's not fair.
Bec runs away crying
Ruby: Bec!
Ruby runs to the door until the manager, Sydney London walks out

Sydney: Ruby: can I see you in my office.
Ruby slowly walks into Sydney's office behind Sydney. Inside there are pics of famous models two pics have the names Samantha Green and Veronica Lodger underneath. On her desk is her name and a laptop

Ruby: You wanted to see me?
Sydney: Of course, you're the only one who made it in. Okay, now. Since we are hiring you we expect you to tell us where else you work and who you work for.
Ruby: Uh okay. (VO: But it says on my application.) I'm also an actress and I work for MJC. Did you know she is a also a director, manager and she handles thing oh so well!
Sydney: MJC? What kind of a name is that? She doesn't even sound American.
Ruby: Well, for one thing-she's British…and you're name's (emphasizes sarcastically) Sydney London.
Sydney: Hmph…anyway, back to business. Since you're an (rolls her eyes) actress I guess you just wanna model for perfume or clothes, eh?
Ruby: Well, I don't mind.
Sydney: Oh sure. I know you Hollywood type. You're all pigs. You don't give a damn. All you want is more money when there are needy children out there who need the money more than you!
Ruby: So why don't you hire them?
Sydney: They're ugly.
Ruby: Well, I just want a part-time job, coz…y'know…
Sydney: Hmph…well fine…MJC…sheesh.
Ruby: Uh, so what'll I be modeling?
Sydney: (shrugs) I guess you could start with Calvin Klein an if it's good then…
Ruby: Then?
Sydney: I dunno. I have a lot of people to manage ya know. Geez.
Ruby: Sorry. So when is this thing with CK gonna start?
Sydney: Just come back here tomorrow.
Ruby starts to leave her office
Sydney: Twirp. Damn that MJC. Everyone has to work for MJC. Ooh, I'm MJC. I'm the best manager in the world (Sydney starts prancing around her office) Oh, look at me I'm sooooo great…and I'm British!! Like a spot of tea there Governor?
Ruby stands in the doorway looking at Sydney-Sydney's still prancing

Ruby: Uh, are you okay?
Sydney: Argh!! (She looks at Ruby, then accidentally prances into a wall)
Ruby: This is gonna cost me.

Scene 28: Rebecca stands in her apartment holding a gun to her head
Bec: Goodbye cruel world. (WHEN I DIE by NO MERCY PLAYING SOFTLY)
Rebecca pulls the trigger

Scene 29: Dave comes home
Dave: I'm back! (pauses) Hello? Rebecca? Where are you? Where are you hiding? (walks in to the bedroom and finds Rebecca's lifeless body) Rebecca? No. This isn't happening. It can't be… NOOOOO!!

Dave runs over to the window-they're 10 storey's up-and climbs out onto the ledge

Dave: May our souls meet in heaven to be together forever…
Dave jumps off

Scene 30: (YEARBOOK by HANSON PLAYIN SOFTLY) Ruby is asleep in her mansion
RUBY'S DREAM: Ruby is running away from a huge butcher's knife. Ruby looks up to an even bigger Fran. Ruby turns left and runs but waiting for her is Melody and Pat. All of a sudden Ruby is scooped up and put into a huge pot. The fire underneath is crackling and Fran is sprinkling salt and pepper on her. Fran pours the huge soup into a bowl. She scoops Ruby into her spoon and is edging the spoon closer and closer to her mouth…
Ruby suddenly wakes up. She feels her bed.
Ruby: Eww, I hope this is sweat. Geez, last night they made me into a croissant. That's it. I'm gonna confront my fears…(VO: But I'll try to avoid Johnny.)

Scenes 31-34

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