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Scenes 45 - 48

Here is where you'll find scenes 45-48 duh :B ßBuck Tooth Bob, hehe Couldn't help it.

On the set of Ruby's new movie

Scene 45: Fran walks up to Ruby's room and sees the two security guards-Charlie and Janice
Fran: Hello, I'm one of Ruby's old friends…so it's okay. No need to shoot me. (Laughs)
Janice: Oh, uh…(laughs)
Charlie falls to the ground laughing. Janice follows. Fran steps over them and lets herself through. Fran and Ruby eye each other

Fran: Ruby. How nice to see you again.
Ruby: (VO: What happened to my security guards?)What do you want Franny?
Fran: More than you think.
Ruby: (sighs) Thought so. (Ruby walks over to her set of drawers)
Fran: (follows quickly) Ruby…what's the matter? I just wanted to say I've missed you so much. I've cried over the toilet for nights.
Ruby: (quickly opens and shuts her top drawer) Sure Franny lady. Get out now. I'm having a bad day and with you being here, it's not helping!!
Fran: But Ruby…
Ruby: But Fran. Get out! BEFORE I CALL THE COPS!!
Fran: If you insist but at least let me hug you. I really have missed you!
(GOOD INTENTIONS PLAYING SOFTLY) Fran and Ruby hug. Fran holds up a knife ready to stab Ruby but Fran suddenly tumbles over showing a knife in her ribs. Ruby backs away giggling.

Ruby: Fran, I'm not that dumb anymore. You've done this before. Remember? Only last time I kicked your shin. And don't think the cop's will think this was my fault. Check the knife. It's yours! I stole it from you when I visited before!
Fran: I'll get you Ruby, if it's the last thing I…
Fran falls down dead. Ruby hides Fran's knife in her drawer.

Ruby: (smiles at Fran) This is where my great acting skills come in! (She turns on the waterworks and phones Jeremy)

Jeremy: Hello (sound drugged)
Ruby: Jeremy!! It's me. Waaahhhh!! Omigod!! Jeremieeeee. (Says quickly)-A person has been stalking me and my freakin' security guards let her in and she just tried to kill me. We were in a struggle and I accidentally stabbed her. She tried to kill me. Waaahhhh!! Waaahhhh!! Omigod. She's dead! Jeremy!!
Jeremy: Uh, okay. Do you want me to come over?
Ruby: (says tightly) Do I want you to come over? (Screams) WHAT DO YOU THINK?? (Sarcastically) NO, STAY AT HOME AND HAVE FUN!! (Slams the phone down)
A car is heard screeching, footsteps are heard then suddenly Jeremy bursts through the doors. He rushes to Ruby-who's still crying-and hugs her. He dials 911

Jeremy: This is definitely an emergency.

Scene 46: Janice and Charlie are at his place (TRULY MADLY DEEPLY by SAVAGE GARDEN PLAYING SOFTLY)
Janice: We really screwed up this time.
Charlie: Yeah, totally.
Both sit quietly
Janice: Simpson's on.

Charlie turns on the TV. Both immediately start laughing. Charlie starts staring at Janice-or parts of her at least-and Janice notices and looks around the room edgily. She shrugs and jumps him

Scene 47: (UNIVERSE by SAVAGE GARDEN PLAYING SOFTLY) Janice and Charlie are on his bed!! Kissing!! They stop and fall back on the bed. Soon loud snores fill the room. Janice rolls over and a suction noise is heard. Janice rolls back over and Charlie is gone!

Scene 48: Janice wakes and looks over. She gets up and looks around.
Janice: Where did he…? So he's one of those…Bastard.

Janice rushes out of his place

Scenes 49 & 50

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