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Scenes 9-12!!

Okay, here's 9 - 12…yay…and the crowd goes wild!! Yeah…anywayz…

A Few Years Later

Scene 9: A nineteen year old Ruby and Fran are having a fight
Ruby: Fran, I really want to be an actress.
Fran: Look, we've been through this before. I'm not letting you do any of that and you know I'm right when I say it's a waste of time.
Ruby: Fran, living my life on this ranch is a waste of time.
Fran: (starts going schizo) Shut up you ungrateful cow. (Fran walks away schizo)
Ruby: (VO: I'll show her. I'll be the best goddamn actress ever. If I can get to Hollywood…and get an agent.)

That Night

Scene 10: Ruby creeps into Fran's room, steals her piggy bank and tiptoes back to her room. She places it under her blanket and smashes it with a hammer. She gathers the money, shoves it into her wallet and creeps out of her window with her bag when she notices Johnny left his ladder there. She jumps down off the ladder and runs to hitchhike with her bag. Billy peers from behind a tree and watches her ride in a wagon. Another wagon comes along (HITCHIN' A RIDE by GREEN DAY PLAYING SOFTLY)
Billy: (points to the first wagon) Follow that wagon!
Man: I have to. That's my wife up there.
Billy: Oh, can I hitch a ride?
Man: Whatever.
Billy hops on and they ride away


Scene 11: The first wagon stops on a street and far behind is the Hollywood sign
Ruby: Thanks for the ride.
Woman: You're welcome.
Billy is seen being thrown out of the second wagon

Man: Don't you ever fart in my wagon again you little gasball.
Billy: I said I was sorry.
The man drives away mumbling. Billy looks up, sees Ruby and dives under cover but knocks his head against a tree

Billy: D'oh!
Ruby looks up then looks away uninterested

Billy: Ruby? Hello? Why do you leave when it's obvious I need medical attention?
Ruby helps Billy to a seat

Ruby: Well, as long as you're here, wanna split the fare for an apartment?
Billy: Huh?
Ruby: Well, I was talking with the woman who drove me here and she told me how much it would cost for an apartment and food.
Billy: Um, okay.
Ruby and Billy start walking around for an apartment

Ruby: So, how'd you know I was gonna run away?
Billy: I always had a feeling you'd do something stupid.
Ruby giggles then thinks about it showing a confused look

Billy: That didn't come out right.
Ruby: Good.
They walk around the corner and see a sign saying Rent a Room Real Cheap. Ruby and Billy look at each other and shrug. They walk in up to the counter where a noticeably hairy man sits watching his Pamela Anderson Lee videos

Hairy Guy: Want a room??
Billy: Yeah, got any openings?
Hairy Guy: Of course I do. Oh, you mean…follow me.
He shows them up to a room. Once Ruby walks in she immediately holds her nose

Ruby: (VO: This is worse than going into the bathroom after Fran)
Billy: (VO: This is worse than going into the bathroom after…me)
Hairy Guy: Well?
Ruby: …um…
Billy: We'll take it.
Ruby looks at him

Billy: (whispers into her ear) Hey, this is the cheapest we'll get, right? Ruby nods Well then, this is it. This is where we'll stay until we get a job and can afford…anything but this.
Ruby: We'll take it!

Scene 12:Ruby wakes up, looks around, sees Billy sleeping upside-down against the wall. His long hair covering his face.
Ruby: Oh, he looks like his horse, what was its name? Rhubarb? Riddy?
Billy: Mmm, Ruddy…
Ruby: (shivers with disgust. She gets up, goes into another tiny room, comes back out, changed and leaves the apartment.) (VO: I wonder what kind of a job I should get?)

Ooh, the suspense! What jog WILL Ruby get…hmm…so many questions…so little patience…

Scenes 13-15

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I wanna go HOME!!