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Scenes 25 and 26 baby!!

Ok, sorry it's taken so long but you know we've had bloody exams and work experience…and lately…well, I just couldn't be bothered, but here it is, the long awaited…next…couple of scenes…yay or something…

Sc25: Damon is trying to write a letter of apology to Vanessa but then rips off that page, scrunches the paper and throws it onto the growing pile of apology letters in his bin
CUT TO: Ness sitting near the fireplace looking at the letter Damon wrote earlier. She then looks at the flames and slowly tosses in the letter. Aimee walks into the room
Aimee: What's up with you?
Ness: You wouldn't understand.
Aimee: Look, I know I don't understand a lot of things…but when it comes to guys…I know them better than the back of my hand.
Ness: I can't believe I'm gonna ask you for help.
Aimee: Come on! Ask me, ask me, ask me!!
Ness: If you like a guy…but he doesn't like you…what do you do?
Aimee: What don't you do.
Ness: Huh?
Aimee: Just ask him if he likes you.
Ness: I have. He doesn't.
Aimee: In that case, you're screwed.
Ness: (sarcastically) Why, I feel better already.
Aimee: Are you sure he doesn't like you?
Ness: Well…sorta…
Aimee: Forget him. Move on sister!
Ness: I'm just gonna ignore you now and move on…to my room.
Aimee: Don't waste tears on a guy who doesn't deserve them.
Ness walks up to her room
Ness: (to herself) She actually said something that made sense.
Mum passes by in time to hear that last remark
Mum: (happily) She did? Yes! My baby's learning!

Sc26: Ness is with her friends who are skateboarding away. Damon is trying to decide whether or not to go up to apologise in person or whether to just keep clear of her
Eddie: Damon, just forget about her.
Damon: I just want to apologise.
Eddie: So apologise already.

Damon begins to walk towards Ness but then doubles back before starting towards her again then backtracking

Eddie: (sarcastically) For some reason, you don't seem to be getting that far.
Damon: Gee, you think?
Eddie: Damon, what's done is done. You told her the truth, you're a good guy.
Damon: So why do I feel like shit?
Eddie: Well, you're a good guy hidden in a pile of shit.
Damon: That makes me feel so much better.
Eddie: Just go up to her, explain how sorry you are, and then run away like a girl.
Damon: Why do I have to run away like a girl?
Eddie: So she'll stop liking you.
Damon: But she doesn't like me.
Eddie: And this will make sure it stays that way.
Damon looks at Eddie like he's an idiot
Eddie: Hey, don't give me that look. You know I hate that look. Stop it!
Damon: I gotta be alone right now.
Damon walks over to a nearby tree
Damon: (VO: Do I like Vanessa or what? Does she like me? If I like her and I blew it then…I hate myself. But I don't really LOVE her do I? I'm only 16, how am I supposed to know? Why the hell am I pondering? It's not like I'm Pinky OR the Brain and I sure as hell ain't Elmyra. Hmm, is that a new shirt? Man Eddie looks good in that shirt. I want that shirt. Where was I? Vanessa…she looks like she's having fun…man…she's…hot? I can't look at her like that I've known her for too long. Godamn that's a nice shirt! Why can't I stop looking at Eddie?)
Eddie looks over at Damon who is staring right back at him confused. Damon's eyes suddenly light up since he's just discovered…

Damon: (VO: Oh my Lord! Am I really tooty fruity? It's just a phase, it's just a phase. Uh oh, Eddie's looking over here…act natural.)
Damon looks over at Eddie and poses
Damon: (VO: I wonder if he suspects anything.)
CUT TO: Eddie who's looking at Damon who looks weird
Eddie: What the hell is his problem?
Damon does a little pansy wave to Eddie

Scenes 27 n 28

Let's go back and look at something else

I wanna go HOME