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Scenes 29 and 30

Ok, the story is nearly finished, that's right, I only need a couple more scenes to wrap this story up so here's 29 and 30, and then there'll be scene 31 which will be the very last scene of this wonderful story, ok? Ok!

Sc29: Vanessa playing Nintendo. Aimee walks in
Ness: What do you want?
Aimee: Can't you just go out with one guy? One guy! That's all I'm asking for.
Ness: Aimee, why don't you just tell Dad I've dated a guy but he was too busy in the 5 star hotel to even notice.
Aimee: Tried it. He says he wants to meet this boy right away.
Ness: And what did you tell him?
Aimee: That Damon's gonna be round in a couple of minutes.
Ness: I'm going to kill you.
Aimee: What? Just call him up, tell him you need a favour and that if he doesn't do what you say, you'll…do really nasty things to him.
Ness: Yeah, that'll scare him.
Aimee: Please? I'll do anything!
Ness: Anything?
Aimee: Well, practically anything. I'll be your slave for life.
Ness: Well…all righty then.
Ness calls up Damon
Damon: Hello?
Ness: Damon?
Damon: Yeah…is this Vanessa?
Ness: No, it's your mother. Look, I need a favour and you're the only one who can do it.
Damon: I gotta talk to you.
Ness: Good then. I need you to come over right now.
Damon: Why?
Ness: I'll explain when you get here.
Damon: Ok.
They hang up the phones

Sc30: Vanessa's waiting outside on her lawn. Damon walks up
Ness: Geez, take your time.
Damon: Sorry, but Joey tried to come along when I foolishly told him where I was going.
Ness: Oh, anyway, I need you to meet my father.
Damon: Why?
Ness: He thinks I'm dating you, Aimee's fault, so he wants to meet you, then Aimee can date Joey and they'll both be off our backs.
Damon: Where is he?
Ness: Uh…in the house.
Damon: Don't patronize me.

Ness and Damon walk to the front door which opens right when they get to it. Ness' dad looks Damon up and down

Damon: Do I pass?
Dad: Are you really dating my daughter?
Damon: Um…yes?
Dad: Let me ask you a question son.
Damon: Ok.
Dad: Do you think you're worthy of my daughter?
Damon: Do I have to answer infront of her?
Dad: (thinks about it) Yes.
Damon: I don't believe anyone is truly worthy of your daughter. If they love her deeply and she returns their feelings then maybe…But I don't believe I'm worthy of her.
Dad: (to Ness) So why are you dating this loser?
Ness: (looks at Damon dreamily) Cause I like him.
Dad: All right, well I'm officially gonna puke. Aimee, you can go date whoever you want as long as he passes my approval.
Aimee runs out the door
Aimee: YAY!
Dad walks away
Ness: Do you really mean that?
Damon: Huh?
Ness: Are you a sensitive male because you're fruity?
Damon: No! I figured out I'm not gay!
Ness: Good for you.
Damon: That is an achievement…for me. Anyway, I kinda have something to tell you.
Ness: What is it?
Damon: You know your friend Carol?
Ness: Of course I know her if she's my friend…moron.
Damon: Yeah, well, I think I like her.
Ness: WHAT?
Damon: Kidding! I like you. But as a friend.
Ness: Oh…that's ok. Well…whatcha gonna do now?
Damon: I dunno, I think I might catch a movie…You wanna come?
Ness: Sure, as long as it doesn't have Jennifer Love Hewitt. I just rented out I Still Know and…well…If I see her run around in the rain with a white T-shirt ever again…
Damon: I understand. I felt the exact same way.
Ness: Really?
Damon: Yep! Great minds think alike.
Ness: Either that or we're both stupid.
Damon: I rather like the first one.
Ness: As do I.
Damon: Where is this conversation going?
Ness: I dunno. Let's just go.
Damon: I can do that.
They both walk into town and pass Aimee and Joey who are on the swings at the park

Ness: So you're absolutely sure there's nothing between us?
Damon looks at her and smiles
Ness: No, I'm serious.

Da last scene!!

I grow tired of this story…

I demand you take me HOME