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OK, I lied, I didn't update a damn thing. I have to search out some new jericho pictures. Nothing new going on in my life either, so blah.

Here are my reasons for all of this, read them if you will, just DON'T send me email saying the man is a fag, I don't wanna hear it. Read here first!!

If you are just here to look around, WELCOME!! COME IN!! VISIT FOR A WHILE!!


Chris Jericho
More Jericho
Jericho-The Third Installment
Shawn Michaels
The Rock
Pictures of Me
More Stuff

Thanks to all the people these pictures came from. I've said it before, I don't remember where I get them all from, but I am very appreciative to the people who put them out there to begin with.

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I don't care which one you sign, just sign one of them OK?? Oh yeah - sometimes some of these work, sometimes they don't...don't know why. Pieces of shit :)
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I am in no way, shape or form affiliated with any of the companies these guys represent. No matter how hard I wish, I am not affiliated with the guys either. I do not work for, substitute for, or intern for any of these people or their companies. I put this disclaimer here because, well, everyone else had one!!!! Thought it might be against the law to not have one.....

Oh yeah, for those of you that don't know, the song it Guns-n-Roses, "Get in the Ring".
