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Lara's X-Files Zone

Whoa!!! U didn't know that Lara helped out on the X-Files? Her and Agent Scully are quite good friends actually, though Mulder is a bit to naive and, well, "nerdy" for her taste. Still, the intrepid agents often have invaluable information on bizarre sites, just the sort of thing that Lara can't stay away from. And although they might deny it, (especially Mulder)Lara has burst in with her Uzi's blazing to save the day more than once. I mean who do you really think got Agent Scully back from the Syndicate??

All of this inside contact has given Lara some pretty juicy information on the X-Files and everyone's favorite FBI agents,(although Goth-Lara has an inclination to lean towards Special Agent Dale Cooper, you remember him don't you, well don't you, are all you Twin Peaks fans dead or something??)Scully and Mulder. Lara has had me post her Ten fav epis, now you might agree or disagree, and if so don't grumble in your head about let Lara know, through me of course. This doesn't necessarily mean the list will change, but well, it will at least give the list an illusion of democracy. And isn't that better than control of everything by power-mad, wealthy, elite, over fifty boys-clubs, oops...... that's the gov't damn!!! Well this list won't subscribe to that. Maybe, unless I'm bribed or something.(he ha,evil laugh) Scully and Mulder info, blah blah blah (u notice Scully always gets first billing here), and the REALLY kewl stuff, paranoid Lara theories. Well, actually they are mostly paranoid Goth-Lara theories since Lara has a real life, or as real as any polygonal super-heroine can have, and doesn't have time for such nonsense, fortunatly, I do, as something somewhat less then polygonal heroine, the dark side of a polygonal herione. Confussed yet?? I thought so. Just click on the Future. Remember, how can u have any pudding if u don't eat your meat? Good, very, very, good....

Special Agent Lara, (U didn't know she was on the Payroll?) Tells These Show Secrets

Lara's Fav X-Files Links

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