This month's thoughts were compiled by Jessica Richard and Melanie Smith.
This month's thoughts page is going to be rather short. In honor of Valentine's Day, I have decided to dedicate this month's thoughts to one of the great philosophers of love, Mr. Wayne Campbell. For those of you who are unfamilliar with Mr. Campbell, let me refresh your memory. Most of you may remember his work with "Saturday Night Live." Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Campbell is none other than Wayne from "Wayne's World."
Now, since I have refreshed your memory, let me tell you his philosophy of love. When Garth says "Wayne, when you see this one incredible woman and you think you're going to hurl----." Wayne interrupts Garth with the Philosophy of Love.
Now, if we all keep this philosophy in mind, we probably wouldn't waste so much time with the "wrong" person. Instead, we could be looking for the person who won't bolt when we spew.
This page was thought up by two incredibly sexy, freaky, Amazon nutcases who should commit themselves to an insane asylum just so that they can be put in a padded room in a straight jacket. PLEASE DO TRY THIS AT HOME!! You don't even need parental supervision.
Click here to read the thoughts from January 1998.
Click here to read the thoughts from December 1997.
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