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interviews : alex   jacques   jason   || darren - Nov.8'00   Jan.19'01 ||   sam
How do you cauliflower?
I don't.

What's the first thing that entered your mind this morning?

Do you prefer blue or black ink?

pillows: fluffy or flat?
A little of both.

Do you know what a toque is?
A brimless hat worn by men and women in the 16th century.

What was the last book you read?
Some ghost book. Don't remember the name of it.

What was your favourite toy as a child?
My He-Man figures.

What not to say to someone you're attracted to:
"I just farted."

What are you usually doing around 5:00pm?
Eating dinner with my parents (they always eat that early), or playing guitar, or I'm out with friends, or rehearsing with the band, or simply relaxing with my thoughts.

green or red grapes?
Both have their unique sides. Depends on my mood.

I'm hungry, what should I eat?
Food is a good start.

What do you like about people?
Generally speaking, not much. (I sound so cynical, don't I?)

What do you hate about people?
The way most people drive in LA, rudeness, insincerity, people who take things for granted, ignorance.

Can you do any stupid human tricks? If yes, what?
Come to my place and I'll show you privately.

What's your comfort food?
Chicken, pizza, cereal, ice cream...

What's your favourite season? Why?
Fall is my favorite time of the year I think, but summer really makes me happy as well.

If you could be another ethnicity, what would you be?
No preference really.

  What intruiges you?
Many things. The way music works, how amazingly talented certain musicians are, interesting people in general, down to earth people who are not afraid to be themselves, the thought of falling in love again when I am ready for it, outer space, life, ghosts, spirits, death, the human brain, mimic octopuses, I can go on forever.

What's one thing you'd really like to know?
If energy is neither created nor destroyed, then what happens to us when our bodies die?

What makes you laugh?
The Bicycling Mariachis.

Would you like to live on a farm?
Maybe for a specific period of time.

What's the best word? worst word?
Best word: Deft
Worst word: Luscious

Is redblue an oxymoron?

What's beautiful?
You are, sweetheart.

Do you prefer your toilet paper dispensed over or under?
Over, never under.

You've just won a Grammy, who do you thank first?
I won a Grammy?

Do you make your bed?

Words to live by:
Think before you do things.

What makes you unique?
Everything. No one else in this world is me. No one else in the world is you, besides you. You're unique as well.

Do you know any useless facts? If yes, what are they?
The human head weighs eight pounds.
The state between sleep and being awake is the "Hypnogogic State." (People tend to experience sleep paralysis and out of body experiences in or around this state.)
111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321 (Thanks to my good friend Carline for that information.)

Rock on,