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interviews : alex   jacques   jason   || darren - Nov.8'00   Jan.19'01 ||   sam
Who are you?
I am Darren Michael Robinson, guitarist in Phantom Planet.

If you could bleed anything but blood, what would you bleed?
Kool Aid. I'd drink myself until I stopped bleeding.

If you were a superhero, what would your name be?
Super Darren. (Original, eh?)

If you were a girl, what would you like your name to be? (If I were a guy, I'd like the name Boyd)

If you were stranded on an island and the natives captured you and forced you to eat yourself, where would you start?
I'd start with my firm butt. hah. You know you were expecting an answer like that.

What word or phrase, hip with the youngsters these days, annoys you to no end? makes you laugh?

Do you have any interesting idiosyncrasies?
I'm just a weird guy all together. I'm very open-minded, so I'm sure I have plenty of idiosyncrasies that I am not even aware of.

A time you could've been labelled The Biggest Moron in the World:
I don't know why this is in my head right now, but I remember once talking infront of all my classmates in a Psychology class I had in 12th grade, and I said I was two-faced about an argument we were having. I meant to say "two-sided," but I was nervous at the time!

Childhood anecdote:
I don't know quite what you mean by this, but the first thing that comes to mind is my Garbage Pail Kids collection. I used to love them as a kid, so I went on a GPK binge and bought everything I could find. I regressed like crazy.

Favourite knock, knock joke:
Knock knock?
Who's there?
Boo who?
Don't cry, it's just a joke.

What position do you sleep in?
My left leg behind my head, right arm under the mattress, and my head on the floor twisted 180 degrees the wrong way. It's not so comfortable.

What are you wearing?
Diesel Jeans and a blue t-shirt.

  Do you use a radio alarm clock to wake you up? If yes, do you set it to buzzer or radio?
I only use my alarm when I need to wake up for something. I set it for the buzzer, since that's my only option.

Are there any instruments you'd like to learn how to play? (I have a strange desire to learn the mandolin)
I'm trying to become a better drummer. It's such a fun instrument to try playing.

What do you think about Canada?
I've never been there, but I hear it's beautiful.

If you had your own school and could teach absolutely anything, what would be one of the courses you'd offer?
How obvious can this answer be...? "Music."

What is the sound of one hand clapping? Can you make that sound?
It sounds like this:
(Didn't hear anything? Exactly.)

Favourite movie quote:
"50 dollar bill... 50 dollar bill!" (Data from the Goonies.)

Favourite song quote:
"With Arms Wide Open." (That was a joke. I don't like to talk badly about any bands, but what the hell is the deal with Creed? I like boy bands more than I like them, to be perfectly honest.)

My theme song is the Beatles' "I'm Only Sleeping". What's yours?
I don't have one... I'm not Ally McBeal!

Why'd your parents name you what they named you?
Remember "Bewitched?" Old tv show... The guy's name was Darren. Yep, that's the truth.

Who was your first crush?
A girl named Casey way back in Kindergarten.

How do you feel about toast?
It's good if you're in the mood for it.

I think that the scariest characters in horror movies are the elderly, zombies, and, occasionally, young children. Do you agree?

One good thing about each of the other band members:
They all play music. I love them. They are my bros.