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interviews : alex   jacques   jason   darren   || sam - Oct.22'00   Jan.25'01 ||
How do you cauliflower?
with cheese.

What's the first thing that entered your mind this morning?
that i didn't go to radiohead.

Do you prefer blue or black ink?

pillows: fluffy or flat?
both, and i even have a molding one as well.

Do you know what a toque is?
no, actually i don't.

What was the last book you read?
illusions. forgot the author.

What was your favourite toy as a child?

What not to say to someone you're attracted to:
wanna get married tomorrow?

What are you usually doing around 5:00pm?

green or red grapes?

I'm hungry, what should I eat?
a turkey melt.

What do you like about people?
that everyone is different.

What do you hate about people?
same thing.

Can you do any stupid human tricks? If yes, what?
no i can't. i'm sorry.

What's your comfort food?
peanut butter and jelly sandwich, or wrapped in a tortilla.

What's your favourite season? Why?
fall. the trees look amazing.

  If you could be another ethnicity, what would you be?

What intruiges you?
anything that i don't know. which is everything.

What's one thing you'd really like to know?
what happens when you pass on.

What makes you laugh?
honesty. chris rock. awkward situations.

Would you like to live on a farm?
yes, as long as it was in australia.

What's the best word? worst word?
constantinople. meal.

Is redblue an oxymoron?
no, it's purple.

What's beautiful?
water. eyes.

Do you prefer your toilet paper dispensed over or under?
over. someone asked me that the other day. strange.

You've just won a Grammy, who do you thank first?
my dad.

Do you make your bed?

Words to live by:
keep going.

What makes you unique?
uh. i don't know. all the answers above. all the answers i didn't give.

Do you know any useless facts? If yes, what are they?
on statues with horses (war related) . . . all horse feet on the ground, died of natural causes, one foot off the ground, died from a wound in the war, two feet up, died in battle. the person riding the horse that is.

take care
good questions.