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Atlanta, Louisiana is a small, rural community located in the southern part of Winn Parish. The original settlers came by covered wagon in 1858. A few of the first are: the Colliers from Georgia,the Fergusons from Florida, and later, the Durhams and Greshams from Alabama. The 1870's, 80's, and 90's were a booming time for Atlanta. There was nothing like the outstanding, new school and, when Jim Webb began to expand his business, industry continued to grow. He generated a cotton gin, a saw mill, and then went into the logging industry. The 1900's brought one big change--the Germaine-Boyd Lumber Co. This large sawmill revolutionized the whole area. The Lewis Store and the post office never wanted for business, Atlanta Baptist , Sardis Baptist, the Methodist church, and Bethlehem Baptist had all of their pews filled, the two Ferguson Hotels were bursting at the seams and, the railroad stations were bustling. Many sawmills sprang up. Atlanta became a thriving mill town, with a chance to become a buzzing metropolis. By 1925 what could have been was no more. Our timber gone, one by one the sawmills closed and, a steady stream of people were forced to search for work in other areas. Some large timber companies bought much of the land and, reforestation now provides hope of an economic future. Today Atlanta is hardly on the map. The village now boasts a population of 120 (city limits). Our school enrollment is 307, and our churches have about 230 people actively enrolled. Though our numbers have dwindled over the years, Atlanta remains proud of its heritage and looks ahead to a bright future.


Check out some Basketball Highlites 1915-80 in this LaWeb Site.

118 School Road
Atlanta, La.   71404
Telephone: (318)628-4613   FAX: (318) 628-4247

copyright © Atlanta High School 2000