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You proceed to explain the whole deal about Patrick Levis and "So Weird," and wanting a slurpee. Clu and Fi listen intently and when you are through with your story, they sit there staring at you dumbfounded and you think you hear crickets chirping in the distance. "Well, say something!" you exclaim. Saying nothing, Fi rushes to her laptop and begins to type. You hear a loud, exaggerated "bleep" and see an extremely large window flashing "Searching... Searching..." even though Fi continues to type.

"What're you doing?" Clu asks, peering over her shoulder. You get up to do the same and notice that she is searching some Internet directory.

"This is an online directory that lists every person ever in existence in the United States," Fi states in a matter-of-fact tone. She reads aloud as she types, "Cara--what was the last name?"

"Delizia. D-e-l-i-z-i-a." You feel awkward spelling it out for her since it is supposedly her name. Fi types though you curiously notice that her typing is out of sync to the computer screen and the results appear before she stops clicking on the keys. A large window appears and the bleeping noise sounds, "No results found." it flashes.

"Try Erik Van Den," Clu says to Fi anxiously.

"Von Detten," you correct him and watch Fi tap mindlessly on the keys as the letters of "Erik Von Detten" are spelled out. You begin to realize the words are just appearing on their own and that Fi has no real typing skills.

"Nope. No one has ever existed by that name," Fi says mysteriously. They both look back at you. "Are you really from some other--dimension?" Fi asks, incredulously.

"Yeah, it's called the real world!" you exclaim throwing your hands up in the air and rolling your eyes. "I can't believe this. This is what I get for watching too much tv." Fi and Clu look at each other with wide eyes.

"If you are here, then where is Jack?" Fi asks looking first at Clu then at you. You stop and ponder. Thinking surprisingly quick you say, "Is there a television around here?"

Fi and Clu take you to the lounge area of some place where Molly is rehearsing. "What time is it?" You ask as you sit in front of the tv.

Clu looks at his watch. "Almost seven. Why?" he says.

"I think I know where Jack really is," you say sternly. You flip the channels anxiously. Finally, you spot it and stop changing the channels. There are opening credits and music to a show title "Really Strange."

"What does this have to do with Jack?" Fi asks watching the show. You:

a) continue to watch

b) are interrupted and turn off the tv