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Wellness Express - Bringing Health and Wellness to Your Company
P.O. Box 61069
Lafayette, LA 70596
phone: (337) 277-2469

First Aid/CPR
Screenings & Assessments
Corporate Wellness Programs


Many Adults don't know that they are supposed to get immunized against diseases. There are millions of adults in this country who need influenza, pneumococcal, tetanus, diphtheria, hepatitis B, and other vaccines. Are you one of them? Getting immunized is a lifelong, life-protecting job. Make sure you and your health professional keep your vaccinations up to date!

Influenza "flu shot"
The "flu shot" is recommended every fall for people age 50 or older; women who will be in their 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy during flu season; residents of long-term care facilities; people younger than 50 who have medical problems such as heart or lung disease (including asthma), diabetes, kidney disease, or an immune system weakened by disease or medication; and those who work with or live with any of these individuals.
Pneumococcal "pneumococcal shot"
The "pneumococcal shot" is recommended one time at age 65 (or older if it was not given at 65). This shot is also recommended for people younger than 65 who have certain chronic illnesses. Some individuals with particular health risks will need a one-time revaccination dose 5 years later. Consult your doctor.
Tetanus, diphtheria (Td) often referred to as "tetanus shot"
If you haven't had at least 3 basic tetanus-diphtheria shots in your lifetime, you need to complete this series listed:

  Dose #1 now, dose #2 one month later, dose #3 six months after dose #2, and
  then all adults need a booster dose every 10 years.
Hepatitis A (Hep A) for those at risk
Hepatitis A vaccine is recommended for many adults, including travelers to certain areas outside of the U.S.* Complete this series:

  Dose #1 now, dose #2 is usually given six months after dose #1
Hepatitis B (Hep B) for those at risk
Dose #1 now, dose #2 one month later, dose #3 is usually given five months after dose #2.
Varicella (Var)

This vaccine is recommended for those who have never chicken pox. Complete this series:

Dose #1 now, dose #2 one to two months later.

Meningococcal for those at risk
If you are a young adult going to college, you may be at risk of meningococal disease (meningitis) and may need vaccination.