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This section provides information about our chief pilots and vice chiefs our aircraft fleets. Click at Download Aircrafts to download any of our aircrafts !

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A300-600R Chief pilot :Captain Komsan Chotickatheerakul | Vice:-
A330-200 Chief pilot : | Vice:-
B777-200 Chief pilot :FC Atikom Pookbooncherd | Vice:Captain Andrew Foo
B777-300 Chief pilot :FC Atikom Pookbooncherd | Vice: Captain Andrew Foo
B747-400 Chief pilot : FC Jeffer Smith | Vice : FC Atikom Pookbooncherd.
B747-300 Chief pilot : FC Jeffer Smith | Vice :-
B737-400 Chief pilot :- Vice :-
ATR 72 Chief pilot :- Vice :-
MD-11 Chief pilot :- Vice :-
B767-400ER Chief pilot : Captain Kenii Ryou | Vice:-
A3XX (Future) Chief pilot :- Vice :-

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