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Butcher Mine and Forge


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Butchery is a Trade skill for removing body parts from corpses. This can be useful if you are hungry, but more importantly if you are having difficulty severing off someone's toe in combat and need it for a Quest Card. The higher your Intelligence and Dexterity, the higher your overall success-rate will be.

The Butchery skill works on a progressive basis. The more you improve the skill then the more types of body parts you can remove. The easier a part is to remove and the higher your skill in Butchery, then it is likely that part will become a trivial task, and as such, you will never fail at removing that part. Here is a list of butcherable body parts (they are in no particular order):

Tongue, Hand, Arm, Leg, Entrails, Feet, Toe, Windpipe, Nose, Middle, Ring,  Index, Thumb, Little, Brain, Face, Heart, Eyeball, Ear, Tooth.


Mining is a Trade skill used to find rare gems, hilts and slabs of metal. This is a useful skill as it enables you to obtain the materials required to forge your armor and weapons. You may also need these commodities to complete your Quest Cards. The higher your Intelligence and Wisdom, the higher your overall success-rate will be.

The Mining skill works on a progressive basis. The more you improve the skill then the more types of Commodities you can mine. The easier a Commodity is to mine and the higher your skill in Mining, then it is likely that Commodity will become a trivial task, and as such, you will never fail at Mining it. A list of mineable items can be seen below under forge.


Using Forge, it is possible to imbue weapons and armor with special materials available through mining. The affects possible are there for you to discover.
Here is a list of the materials:

Metals                      Copper, Iron, Steel, Adamantite
Hilts                        Ivory, Ebony, Crystal, Marble, Gold, 
                              Bronze, Sandstone, Limestone 
Gems                       Diamond, Emerald, Sapphire, Ruby, Jade, Pearl, 
                               Amethyst, Onyx, Opal, Lazuli, Topaz

Gems and Metals can be forged onto anything, Hilts can only be forged onto your
weapons. You must go to a forge to use this ability.


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Last modified: March 05, 2003