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Chaos and Rune Equipment


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Chaos Equipment

Chaos Armor and Weapons are very powerful pieces of equipment. It is quite expensive to make, but cheaper than Rune. The cost is 500 points of Primal per piece. The statistics for Chaos equipment is variable, the ranges for each randomly generated statistic are:

Attribute                                       Modifier Range
Str/Int/Wis/Con/Dex    +2 to +5 Points, Each, Randomly Generated
Hitroll/Damroll         +20 to +50 Points, Each, Randomly Generated
Base Armour Class         15 to 40 Points, Base, Randomly Generated
Armour Class Bonus            -20 to -100 Points, Randomly Generated
Hit/Mana/Move       +10 to +500 Points, Each, Randomly Generated

Rune Equipment

Rune Armor is the most powerful armor available. However, it does have a hefty price tag. It costs 15,000 Quest Points, per piece. The statistics for a piece of Rune Armor are:
AC 25, -100 AC, +350 HP, +350 Mana, +350 Move, +80 Hitroll, +80 Damroll


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Last modified: March 05, 2003