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Recent News


Hero's List
Unique Features
New Areas/Map

Class Changes

Unifex 02/02/03
- Reduced Max Damage Multiplier on Dragons
Unifex 02/09/03
- Halved Dragons Fang attacks (from 4 to 2)
- Samurai Web now only 25% chance of landing
- Grendel +1 attacks, reduced damage output
- Maze Toughness reduces chance of losing a limb by 66% for Mages
  and Liches
Unifex 02/11/03
- Given Spellfyre an extra attack, and increased their toughness slightly
- Fixed animate for Undead Knights
- Tide now gives 20% increase in blood capacity
Unifex 05/10/03
- Demons regen x3 in hell, damcap x3 in hell, nerfed Blink.
- Angels regen x3 in heaven, damcap x3 in heaven
- All Classes are now back in...
- Hadenman, Lich, Undead Knights, Jedi/Sith, Shifters, Droids, Gators
  and Grendal's extra attacks have been upped.

Area Changes

Insanity 02/14/03
- Two new areas added, The Fortress and Desert Plains
Insanity 02/26/03
- Fixed 135 room pops in Combat Drones
- Changed mob repops and levels in The Jungle, The Fortress, Sky Stables, Faerie Pond, and Forest Fire.
Insanity 03/02/03
- New area added, Sunken Ship
Insanity 03/19/03
- New area added, The Nine Plains of Hell (290 rooms)
Insanity 03/20/03
- New area added, Valley of the Victorious (buy your own home)
Insanity 05/10/03
- New area added, Abyssinca
- New area added, Abyssinca Prison

Quest Changes

Insanity 02/14/03
- Certain quest mob levels were upped, you will have to walk instead of porting to them now.
- Here is a website that has the quest items list:
Insanity 03/19/03
- Check out the Challenges part of the website




Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: March 05, 2003