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Oracle Oracle

My Information Systems Papers and Projects

Human Computer Interaction (IFSM303) ·  Web Information Architecture (IFSM387) ·  Expert System Project (IFSM425) ·  Artificial Intelligence (IFSM427)

Information Systems and Security (IFSM430) ·  Information Systems Analysis & Design (IFSM436) ·  Project Management (IFSM438)

Legal Aspects of Information Systems (IFSM474) ·  Enterprise Network System Design (IFSM498)

Oracle Database Project Overview

Database Design and Administration (IFSM420)

Unfortunately all that exists in the archives of this project is the Design Parameters that may be accessed by clicking on the link provided. The back-end of the Oracle database was designed and tested in the first Oracle class. The task order in the second Oracle database class was to create the user interface or front end of the database and to produce forms/reports. Even the Executive Summary for this project is missing. To the best of my memory, the database was for a Dental Office with six doctors and 25 patients. A receptionist could call up a particular patient’s records and find all pertinent information for the patient.

Oracle Design Parameters Task Order

The Integral Worm • Christopher Paul • Independent Senior Technical Writer/Editor

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