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Presentation 1: A Summary of L. L. Lohr's
Creating Graphics for Learning Performance: Lessons in Visual Literacy,
Chapter 5 -- "Shape Tools"

by Christopher Paul

Slide #1
Good Evening,

Tonight I will be summarizing the highlights of Chapter 5, “Shape Tools” in Linda L. Lohr’s “Creating Graphics for Learning and Performance.” Note the use of the “ellipse.”

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Slide #2
Shapes help:

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Slide #3
We have to ask ourselves:

Do shapes have meaning?

Can shapes enhance learning?

What is a display shape?

What do I need to know about copyright laws?

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Slide #4
Questions to ask yourself when designing visuals:

What shapes do I use?

Which shapes can I combine effectively?

Which shapes will help me group and separate information?

Instruction: Go to Slide #5

Slide #5
Simple Shapes
Circles and Ovals:

Instruction: Go to Slide #6

Slide #6
Simple Shapes
Squares and Rectangles:

Instructions: Go to Slide #7

Slide #7
Example of the use of Squares in a Hierarchy or Organizational Chart

Instruction: Go to Slide #8

Slide #8
Simple Shapes

Instruction: Go to Slide #9

Slide #9
Common Shapes

Figure 1: A flowchart describing the decision making process of what is the best way to travel home.

As an example, in the flowchart Figure 1: The Best Way Home, we see the use of the following elements: oval, rectangle, lines, arrows, and diamonds illustrating the logic used in deciding what is the best way to travel home based on particular parameters.

Instructions: Go to Slide #10

Slide #10
Complex Shapes
Clip Art:

Instructions: Go to Slide #11

Slide #11
Complex Shapes
Digital Images:

In Addition:

What is a Display Shape?

Instructions: Go to Slide #12

Slide #12
Types of Graphics
Vector Graphics

Raster Graphics

I intend to skip over:

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Slide #13
Copyright Issues
I am going to be brief here

This is a large topic that I cannot properly cover in the time allotted

Instruction: Go to Slide #14

Slide #14
Practicing What I preached on Copyright Issues

Thank you for your time.

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