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Presentation 3: Summary/Outline of G. Kress Literacy in the New Media Age Chapters 1, 2, & 3

by Christopher Paul

Method of Presentation Delivery

Chapter 1 -- The Future of Literacy: modes, logic's, and affordances

Chapter 2 -- Going into a different world

Chapter 3 -- Literacy and multimodality in a theoretical framework

  1. Two Distinct yet Related Factors

  2. Kress Raises Two Questions:

    Language-as-writing will be increasingly displaced by image in the domains of public communication.

  3. Organization:

  4. Kress emphasizes:

  5. Two Problems with Image:
    Text Image
    1 path Many paths
    Linear Either Path may exist because created by maker of image or Path exists because of viewer

    Sequence in time orients us towards a world of causality
    Agent                  Acts                   Causes an Effect
    (Researcher)                                   (Cause and Effect)

  6. Image:

Image: Imagination focuses on creating the order of the arrangement of elements already filled with meaning
Writing: Imagination focuses on filling words with meaning

Kress suggests when constructing a debate arguing Writing vs. Visual:
Start with: Focus on what each mode makes available

Affordances of Mode and Facilities of Media

  • New Media: Change in Media (Book to Screen)

    Communicational world moving towards image rather than towards word
    New technologies facilitate a message for a particular audience

    The designer chooses through methodology what is the best mode to communicate a message for a particular audience

    Multimodality is made easy, usual, and natural by Digital Technologies

    The new technologies allow anyone to be an author:

    Kress envisions the possibility of writing becoming subordinated to the logic of the visual in many of its uses

    Right Now, an Objection

    1. More books published than ever before
    2. More writing than ever before
      • Research produces more research
      • Writing produces more writing
    3. What do we loose if many forms of writing disappear?

    Addressing Objections

    1. Objection 1:
      • Books are emulating screens with more images and text explaining the images
    2. Objection 2:
      1. Who is writing?
        • Those who always wrote
      2. Future of writing
        • Before: Text was Primary/Image Secondary
        • After: Image dictates where text will be placed
          • Image-Superior/Text-Inferior
    3. Objection 3:
      • Issue of Gains and Losses
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    Method of Presentation Delivery

    The delivery of this presentation was given according to typical academic lecturing standards and format. I stood at the lectern and delivered the presentation and either used chalk and blackboard or pen and whiteboard when illustrations were necessary for providing visual explanations of concepts. At the end of my presentation, I conducted a question/answer session.

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