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Christopher Paul's Professional Writing Papers Christopher Paul's Professional Writing Papers

My Professional Writing Papers

Technical Writing ·  Exposition & Argumentation ·  Non-fiction Creative Essays ·  Grammar and Usage of Standard English ·  The Structure of English ·  Analysis of Shakespeare

Analysis of Literary Language ·  Advanced Professional Papers ·  The History of the English Language ·  First Internship: Tutoring in a Writing Workshop ·  Second Internship: Advanced Instruction: Tutoring Writing

Visual Literacy Seminar (A First Course in Methodology) ·  Theories of Communication & Technology (A Second Course in Methodology) ·  The Writer's Guild


UMBC'S Conservative Newspaper: "The Retriever's Right Eye" ·  UMBC'S University Newspaper: "The Retriever Weekly" ·  Introduction to Journalism ·  Feature Writing ·  Science Writing Papers

Modes of Communication: The handshake Modes of Communication: The handshake

The Shipka Spaces: Language in Society

Communicative Objective #2 (CO2): A hyper-modest proposal for two un-researched communicative practices within the study of language in society

Presentation/Activity: "Back to the Little Red Schoolhouse: A re-articulation of the index card method of organization for research papers"

The History of "this" Space: "Welcome to the Anti-Apathy Club: A study of UMBC student culture within the Shipka Spaces"

Blackboard Weekly Posts (A Bulletin Board Community)

Communicative Objective #1 (CO1): Re-contextualization of the definition of the word Annoy
from the Oxford English Dictionary (OED)

Parameters for Re-contextualizing the Definition of a Word from the OED ·  Photos of the OED Annoy Artifacts ·  The Oxford English Dictionary Fairy Tale Radio Hour Archive Audio Tape and Script ·  The OED Annoy Goals and Choices

The OED Annoy Process Narrative-Sketch ·  The OED Rolling Credits: Who Contributed to "This" Objective ·  The OED Word Definition Workshops One and Two: Brainstorming Ideas within a Social Context ·  The OED Blackboard Community Post

A List of OED Words that were Researched, Tested, and Abandoned

Communicative Objective #1 (CO1): Explanation of How to Read "This" Objective

Last Update July 15, 2006

An Explanation of How to Read "This" Objective

The hypertext version of "this" communicative objective (CO) can be entered at any point. The "best" way to read the hypertext version of "this" CO is by the traditional reading method of start to finish. Shown below is a listing of how one proceeds from page to page in a linear read.

  1. Parameters for Re-contextualizing the Definition of a Word from the OED
  2. Photos of the OED word Annoy Artifacts
  3. The Oxford English Dictionary Fairy Tale Radio Hour Archive Audio Tape and Script
  4. The OED Annoy Goals and Choices
  5. The OED Annoy Process Narrative-Sketch
  6. The OED Rolling Credits: Who Contributed to "This" Objective
  7. The OED Word Workshops One and Two: Brainstorming Ideas within a Social Context
  8. The OED Blackboard Community Post

Enjoy the read.

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An Explanation of How to Read the OED End Product Package

The instructions below were provided on the outside of the end product at the time of "pass it forward." These instructions were provided for the recipient (Dr. Shipka) as an explanation of how to proceed through reading the communicative objective. These instructions will not assist the "online" consumer on the communication as these instructions are provided above. The purpose of showing these instructions to the "online" consumer of the OED communication is to illustrate that this communication is a designed transmission for the purpose of meaning-making with the consumer.

  1. Open the blue "Mars" shopping bag as I purchased "this" cereal by the OED because it is just so Shipka.
  2. Open the cereal box and lay out "its" contents on the table.
  3. Play the radio broadcast beginning on side a (The audio tape is a special archive edition for Shipka only containing the re-contextualization of the OED data for the word annoy. "This tape is not supplied in the "Consumer Version" of the cereal.
  4. The original radio script has been provided for Shipka only. "This" script is not offered with the "Consumer Version" of the cereal.
  5. The consumer receives the paper word game with the heading "Game of the Free Mason's Secret" (the Consumer Version) to play along with radio broadcast.
  6. The narrator will let the audience know when to play along with the game contained with the cereal. This will occur near the end of the broadcast.
  7. The Consumer does not receive a solution sheet to the problem. Only the special Shipka Edition of the "Game of the Free Mason's Secret" comes with the visual solution to the game.
  8. The Consumer Version of the game is deliberately designed to annoy the consumer by placing the directions of the game in paragraph form versus the Shipka Edition which has the instructions in an easy to read format like an assembly instruction sheet, making it more difficult for the consumer to follow directions and play the game. The narrator will also recite the instructions as fast as possible in order to further annoy the consumer.
  9. Shipka's version is written in conventional direction format using numerical steps for legibility and clarity.
  10. Last, read Goals and Choices and the Process Narrative Sketch for further information on "this" communicative objective.

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The Integral Worm • Christopher Paul • Independent Senior Technical Writer/Editor

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