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Kudos to Sharon; Palestinians, your move

Yaakov Weissman, Retriever Weekly Staff Writer, August 30, 2005

Recently, the Israeli withdrawal from 21 settlements in the Gaza strip and four settlements in the West Bank has generated intense interest. The focus of Israeli politics for the past year, this event shows a drastic change in Israeli policy: they are willing to try anything for peace. This withdrawal is not just Ehud Barak offering Yassar Arafat 99% of the West Bank and the Gaza strip in exchange for peace; rather, this is Ariel Sharon actively "disengaging" from many settlements.

         While the debate over the withdrawal and its consequences is important to note, we must first give the Sharon government a pat on the back for the tremendous effort, hardship and pains that it went through to keep the disengagement active. Despite political pressure within his own party, threats of civil war, and terrorist bombings, Ariel Sharon went ahead with the hardest decision of his life and had the settlers removed. What makes this decision particularly difficult was that many of the removed settlers were originally sent to the settlements by Sharon in the early 1980's.

         The Israeli government has faced many obstacles to the disengagement, including the obvious fact that while they are doing this in hopes that the Palestinian terrorist groups will cease their terrorist acts, there has been no agreement to this effect. Furthermore, there has been very little effort by Mahmoud Abbas, head of the Palestinian Authority, to disarm and disband terrorist groups. Sharon's government has decided to ignore these factors and continue the disengagement, in the hope that the violence will end.

         To watch the disengagement occur and not at least once feel tears in your eyes or a lump in your throat should make you wonder if you truly care. Whether they are for or against the disengagement, Sharon, or even Israel, the images of the last week will be etched into many people's minds forever. Thousands of soldiers lined up, four for every one settler so as not to harm them, and the Israeli soldiers crying alongside the settlers, should make one realize not only what Israel is sacrificing, but also how divisive the disengagement has been among the Israelis. Throughout the disengagement there have been soldiers refusing to disengage, massive protests - including one of over 100,000 people praying at the Western Wall, the holiest place for Jews - and families arguing over the issue.

         The next step, which will determine not only the future of Israel but also the stability and prosperity of the Palestinian people, is entirely in the hands of the Palestinians. As of right now the Israelis have made all the moves toward peace; now the Palestinians must show they are equally willing and able. The people must condemn the violence and terrorism that they have thus far cheered and take up the effort of rebuilding. They must rebuild their economy, rebuild their towns, and most importantly rebuild relations with their neighbor Israel. The Palestinians must stop preaching hate and start preaching love or at least tolerance towards their neighbors. If we are truly to see a Middle East of peace and joy the Palestinians must throw off the reign of Islamic Jihad, Hamas, Al-Qaeda and Yassar Arafat, and must start listening to the people who want the violence to be over. The Palestinians must listen to themselves.

         Credit must be given once more to Mr. Sharon for his attitude during the disengagement. In response to fierce hated toward soldiers, Sharon said, "Harm me; don't harm the soldiers and police officers. I am responsible for this decision, which was my own. Don't blame them; blame me." While other world leaders would rather shirk responsibility and blame, Sharon welcomes it.

         Kudos to Ariel Sharon for making a bold step and taking the heat. And to the Palestinian people: the ball is in your court. You have been given an amazing opportunity to build new lives and lasting peace. Don't screw it up.

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Letter to the Editor: Rebuttal to "Kudos to Sharon; Palestinians, your move"

Christopher Paul, unpublished September 13, 2005

In response to Yaakov Weissman's article, "Kudos to Sharon...," you've got to be kidding. Let's consider the United States under the constant pressure of terrorism. Would you still consider it a good move for President George W. Bush to give away Alaska in order to appease the terrorists?

         The Jews of Israel are only "Canaries in a Coal Mine" for all Jews and Christians, Buddhists, Hindus and all the other religions other than Islam around the world. Coal mines seeped dangerous gas. Miners would begin succumbing to the gas. Canaries are more sensitive than human beings. So when the canary was chipping and singing the miners knew they were okay. When the canary keeled, the miners knew it was time to get out of the mine or find the gas leak. So, when the Muslims annihilate the Jews of Israel, we know our turn will be soon to follow.

         Another way to vision the withdrawal from the Gaza strip and the West Bank is this;

         "When they came for the mentally ill,
         I said nothing.
         When they came for the disabled,
         I said nothing.
         When they came for the gays, the lesbians, the bisexuals, and the transgender,
         I said nothing.
         When they came for people of color,
         I said nothing.
         When they came for the Orthodox Jews,
         I said nothing.
         When they came for the Christian Conservatives,
         I said nothing.
         When they came for me,
         There was no one left to stand up for me."

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