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Brandon Lee's Final Resting Place
Welcome To Brandon Lee's Final Resting Place
Cut Scenes
Orig. Script
Used Script
After Fun Boy exclaims, Oh god! Look what you've done to my sheets!, his right leg lifts from the bed and we see the pyrotechnics wire for a blood pack exiting his pants.

When Eric Draven returns home for the first time after his resurrection, we see the crow waiting for him at the top of the stairs. When the camera moves and cuts the crow out of the scene we hear a flutter of wings, but the shadow of the crow remains perfectly still.

Gideon's glass seems to contain an inconsistent amount of liquid during the scene when Eric kills Funboy.

When Eric uses Albrecht's memory of what Shelly went through to kill Top Dollar, he first reaches out with his right hand. When the view changes to the side, he's using his left hand and his right then follows.

During Eric's flashback, we see a pumpkin in the apartment smash to the floor. Yet, when the police are searching the bedroom in the beginning of the movie (after the murders), the pumpkin remains in perfect shape. Another minor fuck up!

During the shootout scene in the nightclub, Eric Draven shoots two of Top Dollar's henchmen, both smashing through glass windows and falling to the nightclub floor below. The second henchman is suspended by a cable.

Tin Tin says "I'd like you to meet 2 buddies of mine. We never miss..." and throws 3 knives! And when Eric pins Tin Tin to the wall and says "Victims.. aren't we all..." he sticks 4 knives in his abdomen.

In this same scene, when Eric throws TinTin he lands on his right side. But when the camera shows Eric pick him back up, Tin Tin is on his left side.

When Sarah enters Eric's apartment, she says, "Hell with you, I thought you cared." Eric appears and says. "Yes Sara, I do care." If you watch Eric's shadow, it doesn't match with his shadow in the adjacent scenes.

When Sara leaves Eric to return to the land of the dead and is captured by Top Dollar and his goons, right before she is grabbed and a hand is put over her face, she takes in a breath and holds it in giving away what is about to happen.

When Eric is shooting all the henchmen, he kills the guy wearing Carhardts TWICE. Definitely not a good day to be a bad guy!

In the fight scene between Eric and Top Dollar when lightning strikes, you can see the blade go between the gap in Eric's arm and chest.

When Sara pulls up to Maxi Dogs she pulls her hood down right before she sits down. Then the camera shoots her from a side view and her hood is up. This is right before the arcade explosion.

The same Sara/Maxi Dog scene where Sara gets a soda. When she drinks, it makes the sound normally associated with an empty container.

The second time Sarah is at Maxi Dog with Gabriel the cat, you can see that the cat tries to get up and is being restrained.

At the very end of the movie when Sarah is at the cemetery and the crow gives her the ring, it makes a clanging sound - metal hand?

The white cat that Eric comes across in Shelly's apartment is perfectly clean and healthy, even though as far as we know, nobody's been taking care of it for a year. I doubt that.

After Eric has dealt with Fun Boy and Darla, you should notice electrical tape around Eric's body that was not there before. This is because there was a fight scene between Fun Boy and Eric that was left on the cutting room floor. Fun Boy used the razor taken from Darla by Eric, but thrown on the floor to slice at Eric. Later he patched his clothes up with the tape, but they thought the tape gave Eric that extra look, so left it in.

You are in the Crow/Fuck Ups

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